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12-16-2013, 12:40 PM
You're only as healthy as you feel...

This quote's always stuck in my head. Ironically, it's a line from the classic movie - Taxi Driver, depicting the nightmarish mental disintegration of a psychotic NYC cab driver.


I first watched Taxi Driver in the late 1990's - I never forgot that quote.

In 2013, this quote had an intimate fit in my life - with health anxiety, general anxiety and panic, you often feel like you're constantly in imminent danger of a major health emergency; you may rush to the ER, or primary care physician, even see specialists - and 99.9% of the time, you get a physical clean bill of health!

You may have another panic/anxiety episode and family, friends and loved ones often get irritated, and may say "YOU'RE FINE - NOTHING IS WRONG, YOU'RE HEALTHY!"

But are you "fine", are you "healthy?"

I've thought about this quote often during the last year. Mental health is just as relevant to over all health as physical health is; and that's what can make something like anxiety and panic attacks so debilitating to ones life. In fact, it blows my mind how often I've witnessed someone with a physical disease or ailment, and they seem to be living their life happily - at least a much more quality existence than some with anxiety or agoraphobia!

Many of these people have the exact organic diseases, we, as anxiety sufferers fear; yet often seem to live a more fulfilling life!

Your mental well being is just as important as the physical - for without one, or the other, the "equilibrium" fails. I honestly feel quality of life is more important than quantity. I'd prefer a happy, fulfilling 50 years on this earth, than 100 years of fear and anxiety.

You're only as healthy as you feel.

12-16-2013, 01:50 PM
Awesome post!!!
