View Full Version : Been out drinking the last two days

j brown
12-15-2013, 01:32 PM
Been out drinking the last two days, and now my anxiety is killing me , like I feel just real out of it and just tired, not myself . Please can someone tell me what I can do to shake this

Lee Grant Irons
12-15-2013, 01:53 PM
Hello j brown,

One thing that many people do to try to help conquer their anxiety is to try to start living a healthy life-style, which includes excercise, eating right, and eliminating unhealthy practicies, such as drinking too much or binge drinking. You may be doing the drinking to try to help your anxiety, but in the end, overuse of any substance, including food and medicine, is counterproductive and can even make things worse. But I'm sure you know this.

I have some things that I did to help "shake this." I can share my ideas with you, if you would like.

j brown
12-15-2013, 01:58 PM
What did you do I would really like to know

Lee Grant Irons
12-15-2013, 02:14 PM
Yes, I would love to help you if I can. I would ask that you read chapter 1 and chapter 2 of my blog that is noted in my signature, below, just so I don;t have to retype everything here. Then we can talk more. You can also send me an email if you wish.

Lee Grant Irons
12-15-2013, 02:30 PM
So, let's see what we can do right here. Is there anything in your life right now that is troubling you on top of your anxiety?