View Full Version : anxiety about anxiety?

01-31-2008, 09:42 PM
Hi guys. Sounds kinda funny but I think this is my issue. I worry about having a panick attack and it seems to cause one. Do any of you experience this? I'm just hoping I can shrug it off. I get like a weird feeling like stuff isn't real and I'm in a dream, and then that freaks me out, and it's like a vicious cycle, any help is appreciated.

01-31-2008, 10:43 PM
Fear of anxiety is probably THE biggest problem that MOST anxiety sufferers have. Specifically, we can get quite caught up about having anxiety, how bad panic attacks might feel, how anxiety is going to be with us until we die, and how it is going to ruin our lives. Indeed, this 'fear of fear' is probably one of the BIGGEST things that perpetuates anxiety disorder. And the anxiety symptoms simply serve as evidence that maybe this is all true. To make matters worse, there is no shortage of doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists out there who are all too willing to make matters wprse by having you believe that anxiety truly is a monster from which recovery is not possible.

So what to do? First of all, try to realize that if the worst happens (ie having a panic attack), then it is not nearly as bad as you think. Also, realize that feelings of unreality is a VERY common anxiety symptom. And it is not going to 'take you away'. Also realize that PLENTY of people have been where you are now with your anxiety, yet have recovered. And so can you. By losing fear of anxiety, its symptoms, and its perceived implications, you allow your mind to heal. Just realize that you cannot lose all your fear at once. This takes time. And your ability to feel less fearful will improve as you get better. Also realize that recovery itself will take time. I always emphasize this, since expecting it to heal quickly will just cause more fear and stress when it doesn't. And it usually will not.

02-01-2008, 06:36 PM
This is basically the main issue really. Anxiety about anxiety is what causes everything from terror of public speaking through to horribly debilitating hypochondria...both of which I seem to be suffering from.

02-02-2008, 07:29 PM
This is basically the main issue really. Anxiety about anxiety is what causes everything from terror of public speaking through to horribly debilitating hypochondria...both of which I seem to be suffering from.

I suppose anxiety about anxiety is at the root of fear of public speaking or hypochondria to some degree. But I think I was thinking more in terms of a DIRECT fear of anxiety. Specifically, KNOWING that you have an anxiety disorder and not thinking that your symptoms are being caused by cardiovascular problems, neurological problems, etc. In this case, the primary fears are over the implications of having an anxiety problems: anxiety lasting a lifetime, medication with horrid side effects, having your life ruined by anxiety, etc.