View Full Version : Valium, will these awful side effects go away?

12-14-2013, 03:07 PM
So, because no ssri has succeeded to solve my anxiety problem, i have been put on valium, it is working, however even on a 2mg dose i am EXTREMELY lethargic and have nasty tremors and muscle weakness, just typing this feels like an effort.

With the lethargy, weakness, and shaking eventually subside?

12-14-2013, 03:22 PM
Yes,..if you eat friend. Did you?...slooowwwww dowwwnnnn the absorption rate of it with food.

12-14-2013, 03:46 PM
Yes,..if you eat friend. Did you?...slooowwwww dowwwnnnn the absorption rate of it with food.

eating with it or not doesn't make a difference

12-14-2013, 04:32 PM
eating with it or not doesn't make a difference


"After oral administration > 90% of diazepam is absorbed and the average time to achieve peak plasma concentrations is 1 – 1.5 hours with a range of 0.25 to 2.5 hours. Absorption is delayed and decreased when administered with a moderate fat meal. In the presence of food mean lag times are approximately 45 minutes as compared with 15 minutes when fasting. There is also an increase in the average time to achieve peak concentrations to about 2.5 hours in the presence of food as compared with 1.25 hours when fasting. This results in an average decrease in Cmax of 20% in addition to a 27% decrease in AUC (range 15% to 50%) when administered with food."

E-Man has good advice. I researched the topic and found the above, it may not feel like there's a difference, but there appears to be one.

Often these effects of being tired go away with time. Be sure not to use alcoholic drinks, and watch for other medications, including Cold and Flu, that should be avoided when you are on prescription medications.


12-14-2013, 05:04 PM

"After oral administration > 90% of diazepam is absorbed and the average time to achieve peak plasma concentrations is 1 – 1.5 hours with a range of 0.25 to 2.5 hours. Absorption is delayed and decreased when administered with a moderate fat meal. In the presence of food mean lag times are approximately 45 minutes as compared with 15 minutes when fasting. There is also an increase in the average time to achieve peak concentrations to about 2.5 hours in the presence of food as compared with 1.25 hours when fasting. This results in an average decrease in Cmax of 20% in addition to a 27% decrease in AUC (range 15% to 50%) when administered with food."

E-Man has good advice. I researched the topic and found the above, it may not feel like there's a difference, but there appears to be one.

Often these effects of being tired go away with time. Be sure not to use alcoholic drinks, and watch for other medications, including Cold and Flu, that should be avoided when you are on prescription medications.


Awesome Artaud!