View Full Version : xmas and anxiety

12-14-2013, 01:51 PM
Hi all,
just wondering how is everyone handling xmas and anxiety? Let me know how u r doing? If I can help, let me know. I am alright with xmas and anxiety so far. I have my moments, but I try to not let the anxiety ruin my day. Take care, Alita

12-14-2013, 01:53 PM
Hi all, just wondering how is everyone handling xmas and anxiety? Let me know how u r doing? If I can help, let me know. I am alright with xmas and anxiety so far. I have my moments, but I try to not let the anxiety ruin my day. Take care, Alita well, I for one am quite anxious about it. I still have so much shopping to do but can't handle the idea of going out to the mall. I just want it to be a happy Christmas but at this rate I doubt it will:(

12-14-2013, 02:44 PM
I think the distraction of xmas comin up and having to get everything organised aswel as my daughters bday comin up 31st dec is axtually helpin the anxiety as i havent had mych time to sit there and focus on the aches and pains

12-14-2013, 02:59 PM
I totally understand Dweeb's method there, quite often it works like that for me when I don't realise something else is occupying my mind and I feel great because it hasn't had chance to wander.

Luckily for me in my family we don't make a huge deal about Xmas, it's usually a very casual and enjoyable affair without going over the top, which I very much enjoy about it.

I do understand though how this commercial holiday season can be such a downer for many, especially if things aren't going to be good or you're worried about making it good. To me it's one of those things that I have grown up not making a big deal out of it so it doesn't affect my anxiety as such, but it will be different for many.

I can only offer words of recommendation, don't let the hype get you down, it feels sometimes that the hype is there and only the happy can enjoy it, but we can too as long as we don't pressurise ourselves with it, forget about the commercial demand and focus on the actual beauty of the holiday, connecting with your family and enjoying that - to me it is a beautiful thing every year, seeing the family come together is great because it is a rarity.