View Full Version : Christmas

12-14-2013, 07:54 AM
Hate Christmas. Is that just me or am I united with my fellow sufferers. I haven't wrote on here in a while. I've become horribly depressed with the realisation that I'm alone In this battle. My friends and families response to me telling them about the anxiety wasn't the full support I expected and this further increased my worry and made me realise how insignificant I am in the world and how little impact I have on others lives.

About 2 weeks ago I tried to kill myself. I know it's stupid and I feel like an idiot now. I was in the midst of changing medication which made me worse for a few weeks so bad I found it impossible to get out of bed or have any motivation to even talk about my issues on here.

I'm scared coming off meds will send me down the same path.
I'm on seratalin now and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this. I changed because citlopram wasn't enabling me to get an erection does anyone eles have this problem an does anyone have it with my new meds.

While I'll be hating Christmas I hope u guys are all happy an coping well and have a great time!

12-14-2013, 08:01 AM
I am on Sertraline 50mg I think I may be going up to 100 in a week I had a couple of rough days when I first started it but it got better having a rough day today but I think it's because I had a couple of drinks last night it tends to set my anxiety off the next day but I have generally done well

12-14-2013, 08:33 AM
I am on Sertraline 50mg I think I may be going up to 100 in a week I had a couple of rough days when I first started it but it got better having a rough day today but I think it's because I had a couple of drinks last night it tends to set my anxiety off the next day but I have generally done well

Yeah I was told that if I feel bad I should also double my dose to 100 but I'm hesitant to I don't wanna be so medicated that I can't enjoy things. Normally and I'm scared I will continue getting errection problems if I put up the dose. Do u think I defo should like is it pointless not too listen???

12-14-2013, 08:44 AM
When your being reviewed and you still feel bad then they are only going to put you up anyway so if they have told you too I would def just up it too 100 after the week