View Full Version : Ahhhhh anxious about feeling anxious!!

12-13-2013, 06:56 AM
I Am so anxious about feeling anxious, it's so bad that it is preventing me from going to work. I know I need to do just to do it to get over my fear, but I am so afraid I will lose it at work and look like an idiot. This is the worst!!! :(

12-13-2013, 07:09 AM
Hiya has it just started your anxiety or have u had it for awhile?i have not been anxious now for a good few yrs and when i wasnt well the other week in work i have just started feeling anxious and its happened a few times now in work were my heart starts racing and getting palps so i associate work now with a place that if it happened again i cant just walk out because i would have to explain why and i work on a ward in a hospital,but as people say face your fears,i am so fed up it has come back😔

12-13-2013, 07:50 AM
Hi ya guys all my anxiety is work based ive just taken a couple of days off because of it. In the past I have had to carry on which i found to be really bad it made me really ill. I find if you can just step back a bit try and relax, have you been pushing yourself hard ? you might just be able to put your fears into some context. Is there anyone at work you could possibly talk to.

12-13-2013, 08:33 AM
Hello! Thanks for your reply! I have had anxiety for a few years, but it recently got really bad. Whenever I am at work I can't stop thinking and over analyzing how I feel, and that in turn causes me to panic :( I know I should just bite the bullet and go, but I am so afraid. I feel like I am not my normal self. I just want to work one more day from home and start fresh next week. I just went back to taking Celexa on Wednesday after 6 months of being on Prozac. I don't think the Prozac was working for me. I was on Celexa for a few years before going to Prozac and I felt good. So hopefully I will feel good again soon. But I am afraid I won't feel again and I will be stuck in this dark hole forever. I know that is not the attitude to have and I need to stop talking to myself like that. Grrrr!!!!!!

12-13-2013, 09:30 AM
I am so afraid I will lose it at work and look like an idiot. This is the worst!!! :(

That's one of the advantages of not conforming to collective values, one way or the other everyone thinks me an idiot. My views are my views, to a large degree, they are not wholly consistent with any particular group. Your anxiety is part of who you are, at this time at least. Others thinking you an idiot (if indeed they do) doesn't speak well for them anyway.

I feared crossing bridges at one time, but went to a Tech school near one. Of course, everyone walked across the bridge during lunch break on nice days. I slowly started to accompany them, steering clear of the handrailing that overlooked the river. A few weeks of this and I lost my fear, actually standing at the handrail and looking down. It helps to face your fears when you can.

Steven Daws
12-13-2013, 10:01 AM
I had a similar problem when I was at my last job. I used to get really anxious that someone would see me anxious. I also got more anxious thinking that if I did feel like that, there was nowhere I could go, I couldn't just walk out.

I got so good at hiding my anxiety, that when I left, I told my manager, he didn't even know I was getting anxious.

Are you able to discuss it with your manager? Maybe they can help by letting you leave the building or go for a walk when you get anxious at work.

12-13-2013, 10:39 AM
I have talked to my boss about it and she has been great! But I know it is going to get old soon. I asked her if I could work one more day from home and then I will be fresh on Monday. I really hope I will be! I just need to believe it and be confident! It is just so hard. I know I can do it!!! Right?

12-13-2013, 10:48 AM
I'm in the same boat. I've been off work for about 2 and 1/2 weeks. I hoped I'd be ready to go back on Monday. But as I feel today, I doubt that will happen. And that's causing me more anxiety.

12-13-2013, 10:50 AM
Since your Doc didn't prescribe you any benzo's or any anti- anxiety meds, are you interested in some ideas of natural supplements to get you calmed down quicker? If you access to a place that sells herbs and such that is...


Steven Daws
12-13-2013, 11:02 AM
I have talked to my boss about it and she has been great! But I know it is going to get old soon. I asked her if I could work one more day from home and then I will be fresh on Monday. I really hope I will be! I just need to believe it and be confident! It is just so hard. I know I can do it!!! Right?

It is difficult, I have had lots of time off in the past because of my anxiety. The one thing I soon realised was that the longer I stayed off, the less likely I was to be able to get myself back. Sometimes it would run into a week or more before I got back, then I would worry about what people/my boss, would say.

It can easily become a vicious circle, and so you need to see if someone can help you with the anxiety.

I hope things work out. :)

12-13-2013, 11:09 AM
I have klonopin to help take the edge off while the Celexa is kicking in, but I just don't want to take it too much because I don't want to rely on it. I stated seeing a therapist so hopefully his will all get worked out. It definitely helps talking to you all on here :)

12-13-2013, 11:12 AM
Um, panicked, freaking out, anxious, but have klonopin in the cabinet? TAKE IT PLEASE!!! You won't have to be dependant on it forever, it is to help you over this plateau...plus it's very long acting too.. It isn't going to harm you, it will help you within an hour friend..


12-13-2013, 11:13 AM
The celexa has the tendency to raise anxiety levels at first...that's why you have klonopin.

12-13-2013, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the advice and sharing your stories :)

12-13-2013, 04:00 PM
You're very welcome friend! I've been, where you are!....:D

12-13-2013, 04:59 PM
It's mad how anxiety feeds anxiety and I'm sure everyone here can relate to that. It's really good that you've told your manager and that they seem to be on board. Depending on the size of the company, if they have a dedicated HR department then I would recommend speaking to them as well. I was strongly against this when I started my new job about a year ago but a work colleague convinced me to go to them and it was the best thing I ever did at work. It will not solve your problems but if the proverbial hits the fan then it's one less thing to worry about. Knowing you can just go in upset and explain that "It's" happening is far better than trying to explain, from scratch to a stranger, why you're suddenly such a wreck. They are legally obliged to keep this information to themselves and support you, it only makes your job more secure if you tell them in advance.

Beyond that, it's tough. The tips I can give you from trying to survive at work are:
1. If possible, try to grab a nap at lunch. Sleeping/dozing can help to reset your anxiety levels and helps fade out all the noise.
2. It's really hard to go into work when you are feeling shit. Anxiety builds upon a negative cycle, each time you don't go in you will feel a short term lift because you avoided the situation but it also enforces the negative cycle. In the same way, if you're feeling crappy but manage to last the afternoon without taking time off, that reinforces that you can do it and builds positive momentum.
3. The above step is all well and good but, especially to begin with, I found it absolutely knackering. If you know the week ahead is going to be a struggle for you, then try to set up a treat for yourself at the end of it and work towards it. A half day on friday already booked. A gift you want. A beer. A definite finish line for the week has helped me.

It's tough and it will likely take many months to resolve but each step forwards is one less step before you reach where you need to be. Talking on here is a major step, keep it up mate.

12-13-2013, 07:19 PM
It's mad how anxiety feeds anxiety and I'm sure everyone here can relate to that. It's really good that you've told your manager and that they seem to be on board. Depending on the size of the company, if they have a dedicated HR department then I would recommend speaking to them as well. I was strongly against this when I started my new job about a year ago but a work colleague convinced me to go to them and it was the best thing I ever did at work. It will not solve your problems but if the proverbial hits the fan then it's one less thing to worry about. Knowing you can just go in upset and explain that "It's" happening is far better than trying to explain, from scratch to a stranger, why you're suddenly such a wreck. They are legally obliged to keep this information to themselves and support you, it only makes your job more secure if you tell them in advance. Beyond that, it's tough. The tips I can give you from trying to survive at work are: 1. If possible, try to grab a nap at lunch. Sleeping/dozing can help to reset your anxiety levels and helps fade out all the noise. 2. It's really hard to go into work when you are feeling shit. Anxiety builds upon a negative cycle, each time you don't go in you will feel a short term lift because you avoided the situation but it also enforces the negative cycle. In the same way, if you're feeling crappy but manage to last the afternoon without taking time off, that reinforces that you can do it and builds positive momentum. 3. The above step is all well and good but, especially to begin with, I found it absolutely knackering. If you know the week ahead is going to be a struggle for you, then try to set up a treat for yourself at the end of it and work towards it. A half day on friday already booked. A gift you want. A beer. A definite finish line for the week has helped me. It's tough and it will likely take many months to resolve but each step forwards is one less step before you reach where you need to be. Talking on here is a major step, keep it up mate.

Thank you so much for you advice :)

12-16-2013, 12:53 PM
Hey anxiousga, I know you said in another thread you had to go into work today, how did you get on?

12-16-2013, 01:28 PM
Hi, i know exactly what you mean when you say youre anxious about being anxious i have the exact same problem. I ised to feel anxious at work and have to go home, but this just added to the problem. I work in a shop and so it would be terrible to feel anxious when dealing with someone as i wouldnt be able to leave, but Ive found it so much better to stop and think for a moment when i feel aanxious and take a deep breath, now i think so what if i feel anxious, its just a feeling and it will go if i ignore it. Distraction is the thing that will stop your thoughts and therefore stop the anxiety, you have to carry on regardless and throw yourself in to whatever task you have to do

12-16-2013, 07:17 PM
Hey anxiousga, I know you said in another thread you had to go into work today, how did you get on?

Work went well today :) thank you for asking! I had some nervous moments but I kept myself busy. I am getting a little nervous about what tomorrow will be like, but I need to be happy with the fact that I had a good day today :) I even went to my work holiday party tonight! The fact that I had a couple drinks definitely helped, but I am proud of myself! I hope the rest of the week will be like today.

12-17-2013, 02:47 PM
Work went well today :) thank you for asking! I had some nervous moments but I kept myself busy. I am getting a little nervous about what tomorrow will be like, but I need to be happy with the fact that I had a good day today :) I even went to my work holiday party tonight! The fact that I had a couple drinks definitely helped, but I am proud of myself! I hope the rest of the week will be like today.

You should be proud of yourself, that's some pretty awesome momentum, especially for a monday! I'm really glad it went okay for you :) It's okay to feel anxious about the next day but like you said, you also need to feel proud in what you've accomplished.

Really chuffed for you anxiousga, it's genuinely brought a smile to my face. Keep it up :)

12-17-2013, 09:27 PM
You should be proud of yourself, that's some pretty awesome momentum, especially for a monday! I'm really glad it went okay for you :) It's okay to feel anxious about the next day but like you said, you also need to feel proud in what you've accomplished. Really chuffed for you anxiousga, it's genuinely brought a smile to my face. Keep it up :)

Thank you so much :) I wish I could say today went well too, but it didn't. I made it through work, but felt uneasy all day like I was going to lose it at any second. I waited until I got in my car to cry on my way home. I am so mad at myself for allowing this to happen to me. I want to be my normal self again! I see my therapist tomorrow, hopefully that will help. Hope you had a good day today :)

12-18-2013, 10:58 AM
You held together until your car at the end of the day, that's not to be underestimated. I've come back from work and broken down as well after a particularly anxious day before, there's nothing wrong with that, it's releasing the tension rather than keeping it bottled up.
I've always been told that getting mad is a good sign as well, means that it still matters to you, that you've still got motivation and fight to set things as you want them to be. I'm quite partial to a strongly worded rant at myself after I fall apart. Whatever works.

My week has been crap but not due to anxiety so that's a rare and wonderful thing. :)

Keep us informed and keep going :)

12-18-2013, 08:14 PM
You held together until your car at the end of the day, that's not to be underestimated. I've come back from work and broken down as well after a particularly anxious day before, there's nothing wrong with that, it's releasing the tension rather than keeping it bottled up. I've always been told that getting mad is a good sign as well, means that it still matters to you, that you've still got motivation and fight to set things as you want them to be. I'm quite partial to a strongly worded rant at myself after I fall apart. Whatever works. My week has been crap but not due to anxiety so that's a rare and wonderful thing. :) Keep us informed and keep going :)

Thanks for your encouragement :)Today was a good day, but then once i got home I started thinking about how I was feeling and then started getting anxious again. I had a feeling that I was going I stop breathing. So stupid! Why would I stop breathing?? I just over think everything! So annoying!!! I wish I could train my brain not to think of such irrational things. How do I I do that?

12-19-2013, 02:44 AM
My dad also suffers from work related anxiety issues (what a family eh? :D) and his doctor (who was the most amazing doctor for speaking to about anxiety, went miles out of his way to help before he retired) recommended a book to him which helped him enormously.

I've not used this myself, although I do have a copy next to me as I write this. It comes with a free cd of exercises as well so you could do some of these on your lunch in your car if that helps.

"Mindfulness a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world" by Mark Williams and Danny Penman
isbn - 978-0-7499-5308-9

There are a mixture of exercises spread through into a plan of sorts over several weeks. My dad found most exercises relevant but skipped a few he didn't like and that's fine, mix it up to suit you.

I'm not saying it will fix all your issues but it might be a starting place to try and help train out some of those bad habits? CBT is another answer but the waiting list is normally very long so this might be a quicker way to start something.

12-19-2013, 06:17 AM
Thanks for the recommendation! I didn't realize there was a waiting list for cbt? My current therapist doesn't use cbt so I was hoping to find someone that does.

12-19-2013, 10:28 AM
It might be different wherever you are but the CBT services round here are incredibly over subscribed, I was quoted 6 months waiting list last time it was brought up. There are mixed opinions about the course from the professionals I have spoken to but it definitely has worked for some people so if you are able to get on it I can't see any harm in trying.