View Full Version : Triggers

12-11-2013, 06:09 AM
I am so very curious as to who on here as been able to identify trigger points for them. For example, Walmart is one of the most anxiety inducing places for me. Driving at night is horrible. I have many others and have come to relate mine to sensory overload (much lower than what others can handle) but I'm more curious to hear what others have to say.

12-11-2013, 06:25 AM
YES! Walmart used to be. I could only go before 8am in the morning. The triggers were seeing people that I knew and they'd ask How are you, haven't seen you around?..I worked in this town for 15 yrs on everyones house, then I got this odd health issue, then I can hardly get out and around now..Now, it doesn't bother me. Xanax and Abilify mix... Also, people would ask How's the girls?..grrrr uhhhhh,...welll...... Now that doesn't bother me either.

12-11-2013, 06:25 AM
ooh, I don't blame you about the Walmart one.. I think that place would give anyone anxiety! :P .. I have a 24 hour Walmart and I usually go in there around 4 in the morning.

Some thing that used to trigger my anxiety would be watching TV.. I don't know what it was about that one, but it would always make my anxiety skyrocket.. thankfully I've mostly gotten over that one, but other triggers would be realizing that I'm all alone; like if I would walk into a room and no one was in it, I would start to flip out.. I guess the triggers for me were based around feeling isolated and, and that when I need help if something terrible happened, there was no one around to 'save' me..

12-11-2013, 06:33 AM
Finding triggers is such a big part of getting better. Once you go beyond the trigger, and see the fear, or the negative self talk/ belief that goes with it, you start to see those big changes. I've usually noticed a person can have quite a few triggers, but they're always usually linked to just a couple of major fears, or insecurities. Some of the big ones for me were fear of getting overwhelmed and not coping, or losing grip (I'd get that one in the supermarket too), another was fear of being judged (I'd get this passing by people in the street), fear of missing out on life was another big one for me. I'd get quite tense around girls, in my job, with money. It was easy for me to think I was just insecure, or nervous or whatever, but it went deeper than that. There was a pressure I was putting upon myself, that was extremely intense, to succeed, and my mind was almost crumbling under that pressure.

They're usually really personal to your life, and often to the hardships or setbacks you've faced.

Another of my big ones is being called James... >:-(

12-11-2013, 06:50 AM
Bahahaaa!!! :D

12-11-2013, 03:53 PM
Still figuring mine out, I'm PRETTY sure my big one is being trapped and if I have a panic attack.. How can I be helped.. Example.. On a airplane, bus, train, car etc if I'm not driving the car.. Panic, even sometimes when I drive it's like what if I panic and faint and am driving.. Yep I'd kill everyone and myself.. PANIC. It's mainly in the highway where I can't just pull over if shit gets intense..I also fear that my car will die and ill be trapped on the side of the road for everyone to drive by.. It's happened a couple times and obnoxious guys just beep their horns.. Some stop and ask for my number.. Being hit on freaks me out too.. Or being 'checked out' uhh... I hate it.. Never been an issue before, I used to love the attention.. Now.. I just wish I had a dick or something.. Then I'd stay under the radar haha!! Also fear of being judged.. Which makes it hard to be around people.. Lines espesh freak me out.. When someone stands so close to me.. Uhh... Get out of my bubble or ill puncture yours mate!