View Full Version : Bladder irratation

12-10-2013, 02:37 PM
Hi just one of them days were Im fed up of waking up and looking forward to going to sleep again wishing my life away
Cuz of this ballshit.

Bladder spasms making me feel I need to urinate. Which lead tomorrow panic

Scared to leave the house

When I have to go anywhere I got so nervousness and work my self up and need to wee even more but hold it back as have only recently gone. absolutely know this this is anxiety but knowing its in your head doesn't mean you can stop it straight away.

The feelings feel real.

Genuinely not read any article or heard of anyone with my problem before or that has got better.

If I'm not worried when I go out I'm scared to urinate is I get the urge to go straight after with bladder irritation.

I think about urination and my problem most of my woken day.
I try and distract myself and all that crap but doesn't work.

This has ruined an active enjoyable life. Literally started one day a year ago.

I'm doing cbt but that takes time it is helping to relax me.

I do also get the adrenalin feeling and warm feeling when it happens when I'm out which makes the thing worse.

Is their any anti depressants that can work. Or do I give up now?

Sorry if I'm having a glass half full day but I'm done with this I want to live a normal life again. I need some hope.

I no their are people out their with way worse problems but this is huge to me and has stopped me in my tracks over the last year.

Any help greatly apriciated. It's also good for me to vent.

12-10-2013, 04:54 PM
Dude, it isn't the end of the world because you think you've got some abnormality that isn't treatable or preventable, because it is, with medications. Your best bet, go see a Doc and tell him you have frequent urinary issues, he may run a simple blood test, prescribe you some meds, then send you on you new way. Maybe bladder infection, maybe prostate, maybe just friggin anxiety, but either way bruh, you've gotta know and regain your life.

You got this man. Make an appointment asap.
