View Full Version : Fed Up!!

12-10-2013, 02:45 AM
I'm feeling really fed up at the moment! Every day is just a constant battle wtih anxiety and its exhausting! Every day is just a new worry and its all I can think about. I just want to feel normal again! I've got to the point now where I dont like being on my own incase something happens to me and there is no one around to help! At the moment I've got this thought that I am not going to live till Chirstmas! I know its my anxiety, but it can feel sooo real sometimes! Anyone in a similar boat??

12-10-2013, 03:59 AM
Yes, I am struggling with mine. Mine centers around my head as I get a lot of dizziness and weird sensations in my head. I feel like I'm going to pass out a lot of the time.

I'd give anything to be normal again :(

12-10-2013, 04:03 AM
Hey there x

I can definitely relate to feeling "fed up" and just wanting to feel normal again :( But just remember that there's no such thing as "normal", in the sense that you are not abnormal, or a freak, or anything like that. It really is just anxiety that makes people feel like that. And, when you do start to feel calmer again, bit by bit, it's going to feel so good. Try to think about that, that's what I'm doing :)

Also try deep-breathing when you start to feel yourself getting out of hand; I'm sure you've heard of it before, but basically you just inhale slowly through your nose with your hand rested on your belly just bellow your ribcage. Then, you hold it for a few seconds, and slowly breathe out through your mouth. Feel it rising and falling, and concentrate on the motion and on the feeling of the oxygen and light reaching right down to the depths of your lungs.
It's not a magical cure or anything, but if I catch myself starting to feel anxious or starting to have a panic attack, it normally makes me feel a lot better. I hope it works for you x

Writing down and mapping out your problems can also help you get on top of present troubles + things you're worried about. Map out the hypotheticals; say you're worried that you will get a panic attack. What if that happened? What would really, realistically happen? When you think about things rationally and write down rational conclusions, sometimes they don't seem as bad as your mind made them sound :)

And, if you're worried to be by yourself, then make sure you talked to your friends/family/loved ones about it, and try and spend as much time with them as possible. For the time being, it might be better.
And when you can't be with people, do something that relaxes you; take a walk outside, or have a bubble bath, or try meditation. And, if it makes you feel better, talk to people online. It might make you feel less alone. Because, you're really not alone. ^_^

Also, do try and push yourself a little to do things by yourself, or go out when you're not feeling like it. The worst that can happen is you get nervous and have to call it quits this time and try again another time. You will be fine, I promise :) Don't do anything too challenging, but try and conquer small things, then reward yourself afterwards if you are successful. Even if it's something small. And even if you didn't quite manage it this time, at least you tried - it's hard enough to make it that far, I know x

Sorry of this isn't much help ;A; Stay strong!

12-10-2013, 04:07 AM
So do i!! Its either that or my chest that is the problem! Its so fustrating!

12-10-2013, 04:12 AM
Thank you so much! No that really did help.. especially the idea of mapping out my thoughts! I am 100 percent going to give that a try! I will also try more of the breathing techniques because I get myself worked up and then it makes the whole situation a lot worse. Well I do go to work on my own every day, but I need something to preoccupy me on the train or my health anxiety takes over and I start to feel panicky! Thank you for you advice!! really appreciate it xx

12-10-2013, 04:38 AM
Hi guys, everything you wrote is the same as how I feel and I am fed up too!! It takes over your life and it's scary. I did go through the whole not wanting to be alone thing, my husband works away sometimes so that gives me anxiety. So I stay at my parents house sometimes and it helps. I suffer from depression also so between that and the anxiety somedays are harder then others. I also think writing it all down is a great idea and I am going to give it a try too.

I am new to this site and I am so happy I found it because reading and sharing really does help and knowing there is others out there also going through the same things makes you feel a bit more normal I guess! : )

12-10-2013, 04:55 AM
It is really scary and everyone around you is being supportive but they dont understand...I have recently got over depression, its just my anxiety now thats the bane of my life! I am new to this too, I joined yesterday and feel that it has started helping already, and its comforting to get support from others and also give others your support!