View Full Version : Regressing...Help

12-09-2013, 07:30 PM
Hi all, I was doing better with my anxiety for the week after my very bad week recently... I've been trying to get as much rest as possible, eat healthier, think as positively as I can, exercise and just try to do something productive when I can think of anything. I was doing a lot better on my own with no help from meds. Now, the past few days I've been regressing again and I don't know why. It all started after I took 3 Valerian Root capsules to help me sleep one night. After a little while of taking those, laying in bed, I just started to feel anxious for no reason. The following days haven't really been too great. I've taken Xanax 2 times to help me though. I just don't really understand why I'd start to regress when I was doing so much better?? Nothing much has really changed to make me more anxious that I'm aware of. It sucks. I've been having some unpleasant dreams (that really isn't too unusual for me though). I wake up unrefreshed, tired and just feel negative...And when I kind of doze off, I have these completely random thoughts I don't purposely think of and they just disturb me for some reason. It's kind of hard to explain. It's kind of like dreaming before you're even asleep. I don't know what to do. I want to feel good and happy. So tired of this on-going battle between my two ears, know what I mean?
Any encouragement or advice or anything is appreciated. Thanks

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 08:26 PM
Hi amaranthe,

How is your living situation going? I know the last time you posted, you were having some problems with this.

Regarding sleeping, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of getting good sleep.

1. Don't watch any TV/video, play any computer games, or surf the internet within an hour of going to bed.
2. If you don't want complete silence, before bed, play soft, soothing music.
3. Turn down the lights within 30 minutes of going to bed, to help you start relaxing
4. Drink some warm milk or take a calcium supplement within 30 minutes of going to bed.
5. Turn on an air purifier or a small fan to create some white noise.

I'm sure there are other ideas people can post.

12-09-2013, 09:37 PM
Thanks for the advice. Not much has changed in my circumstances sense I last posted. I'm currently seeking counseling. Trying to stay positive still. My heart just aches right now. :( Literally.

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 09:39 PM
I would so like to help you find your way out of this darkness.

I walked out of work one day and went straight to a psychiatrist's office just to get note to allow me to go on short-term disability, because I just couldn't take it anymore. Then, 6 months later, I had to go back because my short-term disability ran out and I needed the money. Another year later and things were no better. You can read about that night, two years after my health crashed in the Chapter 1 of my book (click here) (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/2013/11/chapter-1-night-of-insanity_25.html).

Once I had that night of sudden clarity, it then required very thoughtful and directed effort to get my thoughts and perspectives under control so that my anxiety no longer had control. I was on regular, twice per day doses of Ativan and then Xanax while working on getting control of my mental state. Then, once I had more control of my mental state, I was able to wean off of the Xanax and work on solving my impossible problem with my health, as well as other financial and relationship problems I was having. It worked. I got the right diagnosis and right medicine 5 years after my health crash. So it can be done.

What I did to get control of my mental state I have written about in Chapter 2 of my book (click here to read it) (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html). I have written about my methods and tools so other people can try to use them for themselves. I hope this can help you.