View Full Version : Feeling dazed with new medication - Celexa

12-09-2013, 04:31 PM

After two years of suffering I finally went in to the doctor and got help for my anxiety. He put me on 20mg Celexa. I am now on day 4 of taking the medication and my mood has severely diminished. I am feeling depressed, tired and severely dazed. I can't even concentrate on work. Will these side effects go away with time or is something that I have to deal with? To be honest, I'd rather have the anxiety than feel like this all day.


12-09-2013, 05:59 PM
Out of interest, are you stressed or nervous about taking the drug? Such stress can cause many of the things we may view as being side effects.

You usually know by how the first day went. SSRIs will do barely anything in the first day, so if the symptoms came on almost instantly, there's a chance it's stress related, rather than a side effect.

That being said, these drugs are pretty powerful. They change your brain chemistry, and that's never gonna be a pleasant thing to go through. A lot of people say a rough start up can be a sign that it's working.

You really can't know anything for at least a month. Most side effects go on SSRIs. That's why they are so popular. You pay your 6 week start up cost, then it's mostly plain sailing.

Give it another 2 weeks. If things aren't better in 2 weeks, talk to your doctor about switching. There are so many drugs for anxiety, one will suit you if this one doesn't.

20mg is a little high to start on with anxiety. 10mg is far better. It's the most popular antidepressant drug in England right now due to it's ease of use.

See how you feel in another 2 weeks. This is one of the easiest drugs to take. It should hopefully settle soon.