View Full Version : Anxiety in the home & in movies

12-09-2013, 01:21 PM
I was diagnosed with "generalized anxiety disorder" when I was pretty young, which is funny because more recently (now in my mid 20's) I was diagnosed with bipolar 2. I had absolutely no idea I was diagnosed with GAD until I recently looked at my medical record. I've always had anxiety but never known that it was actually something I was diagnosed with, moving along ... It has seemed to progressively gotten worse with age, and of course with different medications that i've been trying for my BPD, different jobs, life situations etc. More recently i've noticed that i've been getting anxiety in different rooms in my house, does anyone else get this? I've always been the type to where when i'm depressed I'll stay in my room more when i'm home from work rather than sit in my living room to do work or watch some tv, i'll go straight to my room and do most of my work on the computer there.

Yesterday I noticed that I went out to the living room to sit on the couch, watch a couple shows that I had missed throughout the week and instantly when I sat down I started to worry about absolutely nothing. Literally the words "ok what am I going to do, what am I going to do" started circling my brain and my mind was racing once again. This usually lasts for about 30 minutes and it settles but i'm wondering if anyone else has this problem too? Movie theaters as well for the beginning of the movie I tend to have pretty bad anxiety over nothing, I have never been able to figure that one out.

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 02:14 PM
I was diagnosed with "generalized anxiety disorder" when I was pretty young, which is funny because more recently (now in my mid 20's) I was diagnosed with bipolar 2. I had absolutely no idea I was diagnosed with GAD until I recently looked at my medical record. I've always had anxiety but never known that it was actually something I was diagnosed with, moving along ... It has seemed to progressively gotten worse with age, and of course with different medications that i've been trying for my BPD, different jobs, life situations etc. More recently i've noticed that i've been getting anxiety in different rooms in my house, does anyone else get this? I've always been the type to where when i'm depressed I'll stay in my room more when i'm home from work rather than sit in my living room to do work or watch some tv, i'll go straight to my room and do most of my work on the computer there.

Yesterday I noticed that I went out to the living room to sit on the couch, watch a couple shows that I had missed throughout the week and instantly when I sat down I started to worry about absolutely nothing. Literally the words "ok what am I going to do, what am I going to do" started circling my brain and my mind was racing once again. This usually lasts for about 30 minutes and it settles but i'm wondering if anyone else has this problem too? Movie theaters as well for the beginning of the movie I tend to have pretty bad anxiety over nothing, I have never been able to figure that one out.

I get it too.. As for at the movies, i also suffer from Agoraphobia on top of GAD and panic disorder so going out is always hard and makes me anxious..

12-09-2013, 03:31 PM
It's your subconscious Hun, maybe your excited and your body automatically thinks panic.. That happens to me sometimes. Maybe it's the window people being able to see in. Maybe something happened there, like a fight with a loved one that you still havnt gotten over.. It can be millions of things.. You really have to listen to the thought process when you begin to panic. The movies, well it sounds like abit of agrophobia, but is it just at the movies or when you go to the shops or our in public etc?

12-09-2013, 06:21 PM
It's your subconscious Hun, maybe your excited and your body automatically thinks panic.. That happens to me sometimes. Maybe it's the window people being able to see in. Maybe something happened there, like a fight with a loved one that you still havnt gotten over.. It can be millions of things.. You really have to listen to the thought process when you begin to panic. The movies, well it sounds like abit of agrophobia, but is it just at the movies or when you go to the shops or our in public etc?

Not in public, i'm fine in public places ... Love shopping, parties, malls etc. Entering a movie theater is fine, sitting down in the theater is fine, the previews are fine, the second the lights dim and the actual previews before the movie comes in that's when the anxiety starts.