View Full Version : Help i'm having a really hard time :(

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 12:46 PM
I can't stop over thinking, i wake up with fear running through my body and i'm so sick of feeling like this!
Does anyone have any good news stories or good meds that have worked really well for conquering their severe anxiety and panic??
I need something positive to look forward to and not to keep feeling like this is it, it won't get better... I'm supposed to go to Dr on Thursday but don't think i can wait need to start meds as ive tried everything natural (Vitamins, exercising,laser acupuncture) i think meds are my last hope :(

12-09-2013, 01:35 PM
If you think meds will really help then i would say go for it! They've worked for me previously, hopefully your doctor will start you off on a low dosage and if they don't help then they can up your dose. You may need to try a few to find the one thats right for you but just make sure you don't end up relying on them! Also I would suggest some therapy?

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 01:42 PM
If you think meds will really help then i would say go for it! They've worked for me previously, hopefully your doctor will start you off on a low dosage and if they don't help then they can up your dose. You may need to try a few to find the one thats right for you but just make sure you don't end up relying on them! Also I would suggest some therapy?

Theres not a lot of therapy options where i live unfortunately.. I saw a Psychiatrist a year ago and he made everything a million times worse so now any Dr stuff scares me.. I haven't been to Dr in over a year..

12-09-2013, 01:49 PM
You shouldn't let one experience hold you back in the future. But therapy isn't for everyone, but maybe go on some meds and see where that takes you.. do you exercise?

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 02:21 PM
You shouldn't let one experience hold you back in the future. But therapy isn't for everyone, but maybe go on some meds and see where that takes you.. do you exercise?

Yes i do, but not much in the last few weeks as my anxiety has gotten worse and worse that im overtired from my adrenaline being so high...
You name it ive tried it... Just hoping something works because i have two young children that need their mom in tip top shape.. Wish the Drs would take it more seriously instead of making us all guinea pigs with meds.. I feel that people with anxiety disorders are kinda left on the back burner.. I went to the ER thinking i was dying and couldn't breathe properly for two years and they would just give me an Ativan and send me on my way.. That is terrifying to feel like the Drs don't want to help.. Because "its just anxiety" :(

12-09-2013, 02:27 PM
I know exactly what you mean!! And its worrying because if god forbid we ever have something really wrong with us, they could just put it down to anxiety! I am sure you will find something that helps you! Try meditation/yoga, it is very relaxing, its just whether you can find the time to do it, especially with children!! I can completely relate to being over tired, I am tired all the time!! Its starting to have an effect on my relationship because all I want to do is sleep, and i've lost my labido. :( When will this end!!

Robert Tressell
12-09-2013, 02:59 PM
I can't stop over thinking, i wake up with fear running through my body and i'm so sick of feeling like this!
Does anyone have any good news stories or good meds that have worked really well for conquering their severe anxiety and panic??
I need something positive to look forward to and not to keep feeling like this is it, it won't get better... I'm supposed to go to Dr on Thursday but don't think i can wait need to start meds as ive tried everything natural (Vitamins, exercising,laser acupuncture) i think meds are my last hope :(

My heart goes out to you, I've suffered alone since childhood, though recently have "confessed all" to my wife and feel better for not being alone.

It's a mountain to climb, but first accept totally you need help. Then see your doctor and be totally honest about the level of desolation you feel.

He'll probably suggest medication. I'm at this crossroads now and scared to take the medication route. I might try 5 HTP first, give it a month, if no success bite the bullet and take my prescribed Citalopram though it scares the shit out of me. Think it might get worse before it gets better. Courage is required. Wish I had some!

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 03:15 PM
My heart goes out to you, I've suffered alone since childhood, though recently have "confessed all" to my wife and feel better for not being alone.

It's a mountain to climb, but first accept totally you need help. Then see your doctor and be totally honest about the level of desolation you feel.

He'll probably suggest medication. I'm at this crossroads now and scared to take the medication route. I might try 5 HTP first, give it a month, if no success bite the bullet and take my prescribed Citalopram though it scares the shit out of me. Think it might get worse before it gets better. Courage is required. Wish I had some!

What is 5 HTP?

12-10-2013, 05:15 PM
My heart goes out to you, I've suffered alone since childhood, though recently have "confessed all" to my wife and feel better for not being alone. It's a mountain to climb, but first accept totally you need help. Then see your doctor and be totally honest about the level of desolation you feel. He'll probably suggest medication. I'm at this crossroads now and scared to take the medication route. I might try 5 HTP first, give it a month, if no success bite the bullet and take my prescribed Citalopram though it scares the shit out of me. Think it might get worse before it gets better. Courage is required. Wish I had some!

Don't be scared of meds. If you have the right dr. He/she will start you out on a very low dosage and gradually increase it. I've tried everything under the sun, been to countless psychiatrist in two different states and always seem to find myself back at square one after a couple of years. I can recall finding the right combo of meds and for five long years was anxiety free. Maybe a hiccup here and there but nothing major. But it was a long road to that combo. To the both of you, we have a chemical imbalance in our brains that requires meds. Would you deny someone with asthma their inhaler or someone with high blood pressure their meds? No. And we are no different. We just have to sit in the batters box and keep swinging until we find that right pitch. Good luck.

12-10-2013, 05:25 PM
Don't be scared of meds. If you have the right dr. He/she will start you out on a very low dosage and gradually increase it. I've tried everything under the sun, been to countless psychiatrist in two different states and always seem to find myself back at square one after a couple of years. I can recall finding the right combo of meds and for five long years was anxiety free. Maybe a hiccup here and there but nothing major. But it was a long road to that combo. To the both of you, we have a chemical imbalance in our brains that requires meds. Would you deny someone with asthma their inhaler or someone with high blood pressure their meds? No. And we are no different. We just have to sit in the batters box and keep swinging until we find that right pitch. Good luck.



12-10-2013, 07:07 PM
Well said! ^^^^^^^^^

Robert Tressell
12-11-2013, 02:37 PM
Don't be scared of meds. If you have the right dr. He/she will start you out on a very low dosage and gradually increase it. I've tried everything under the sun, been to countless psychiatrist in two different states and always seem to find myself back at square one after a couple of years. I can recall finding the right combo of meds and for five long years was anxiety free. Maybe a hiccup here and there but nothing major. But it was a long road to that combo. To the both of you, we have a chemical imbalance in our brains that requires meds. Would you deny someone with asthma their inhaler or someone with high blood pressure their meds? No. And we are no different. We just have to sit in the batters box and keep swinging until we find that right pitch. Good luck.

That's good advice nicely put. Thank you.

12-11-2013, 04:10 PM
Therapy can make it worse at first because it is bringing underlying issues to the surface.. It get easier

Terre Nova
12-11-2013, 04:43 PM
Thanks everyone <3