View Full Version : Am I experiencing panic attacks?

12-07-2013, 03:37 PM
Hello everyone,

I need some help in figuring out what I have been experiencing lately as I think I may be experiencing panic attacks, but I’m not entirely sure.
So anyways, lately I have been experiencing some anxiety. What concerns me most is not so much the anxiety overall, but more so some specific symptoms. Specifically, occasionally when I am anxious I will all of a sudden get this intense feeling come over me out of no where, were I feel extremely overwhelmed. It is difficult for me to articulate the exact feeling, but I basically feel as though I am about to either pass out, have a heart attack, break out into a seizure, or experience some other type of medical catastrophe. However, what is interesting is that I can essentially break out of these "episodes". For example, last night I was a little anxious and when I was falling asleep I had one such episode, but as soon as it occurred I just got out of bed and walked out of my room and I was fine (although obviously had a fast heart rate, increased anxiety, etc due to the unpleasant nature). It seems as if these attacks are somewhat self-perpetuating as once I experience them they tend to reoccur because I'm constantly worried about it happening again. Let me just add that these experiences do not occur frequently and are rather sporadic, albeit they appear to only occur when I am experiencing anxiety.

Does what I’m experiencing sound like panic attacks or perhaps something else? I’m asking because I do not have a cumbersome history of panic attacks and have really only been experiencing these lately (in addition to just regular anxiety). If these symptoms persist I will obviously check in with a doctor.

I would really appreciate any feedback

12-07-2013, 04:01 PM
Hey mate, yep this sounds like classic panic attacks. I get exactly what you described frequently. Yours don't sound to server at this point which is AWESOME! You can easily.. Well not easily but you have recognized the problem and are seeking help. WELL DONE! It is extremely hard but when you start to get the anxious feeling try pin point what your thought process was, what you were doing. This could be a possible trigger, mine sometimes start out of nowhere.. But the subconscious had a thought to trigger it. Think about seeking therapy firstly before considering meds, unless you believe you need them you could kick this things ass without them. That's a personal preference, I prefer without but I can't do it without unfortunently. We are all here to help and support you along the way, don't be a stranger :)

12-08-2013, 03:03 AM
Hi. Yes. Defiantly. I have also suffered wire anxiety but had my 1st panik attack about 5 weeks ago. I was about to go to bed then all of a sudden. I had this strange burning sensation running right through my body. My heart was pounding and felt like I couldn't breath. Even called ambulance. It's a horrible feeling. Hope you feel better soon. Zx