View Full Version : Uh!!!!!

12-06-2013, 04:28 PM
I was doing WELL!! Not overly great, BUT WELL! Last night I was feeling okay, abit sniffly but I assumed it was from the massage bringing out my toxins but it got worse a headache body aching my eyes felt they would explode.. But I tryed relaxing.. Then out of nowhere complete panic I tryed calming down.. But out of no where I screamed for my mum and I told her I'm having a panic attack.. She just sat with me and asked me to relax and tell her about my thought processes before I panicked.. I told her.. Nothing too exciting I was just thinking of turning the porch light off because it was upsetting my headache then I tryed to relax and boom. After I calmed down I remembered thinking while panicking the oil the massage lady used on me was all I could smell and it tingled all over me and the rescue remedy for panic attacks I sprayed in my mouth 20 mins before my attack was all I could taste, I thought maybe it was the change of aromas that sent me into panic? Not sure but I feel asleep after some more panic but nothing to over the top to wake at 4am with full blown attack! I couldn't breath, dizzy all the lovely symptoms.. I had to get up and make myself a glass of warm milk and message my partner until I calmed down then went back to bed. I woke this morning feeling horrible! Sick and panicked.. I now have to go to work shortly and a good friend of mine is having a BBQ for her birthday tonight and she really wants me to be there.. It will be the first time seeing anyone other than family since my big panic attack almost 2 weeks ago... I'm afraid but feel I have to push myself or I won't get better.. Can someone please help, she'd some light... Help me manage this! I don't want to live like this anymore!!!!

12-06-2013, 05:13 PM
I need some help guys

12-06-2013, 05:21 PM
Hey AG,

What meds do you have to help with this?..If you have no medications, do you have any anti-histamines available?

12-06-2013, 05:25 PM
I have Valium, and a couple natural calmers, I'm also on lexapro.

12-06-2013, 05:27 PM
Yes, valium would get you calm enough to go and enjoy this night and remove the feelings that your friend is counting on you to be there. Sounds like a great plan to me!

12-06-2013, 05:39 PM
Haha yer I guess, but it wouldn't be safe to drive on it :/