View Full Version : Feeling in Head

12-05-2013, 11:00 PM
Hey all,

At some point tonight I started having this really random cold sensation on the top of my head. I don't really know any other way to describe it. It isn't like a tingling feeling but a slight numbness and cold feeling. I don't know if anyone has ever experienced this before. I also can't tell if I'm imagining most of it (like any other anxiety symptom). I'm trying to go to sleep but of course I am subconsciously dwelling on it and am having a difficult time sleeping. I keep jolting awake. Any advice?

Lee Grant Irons
12-06-2013, 06:05 AM
Hi snicole,

I used to experience this frequently in the early days of my own health crash. It seems to be anxiety related. It is important to try to shut out your symptoms and shut down your thoughts in order to get to sleep. When suffering from anxiety, this is much more difficult than for people who do not have anxiety. But it is possible. There came a certain point in my own illness where I would just tell myself, "Whatever is going to happen while I sleep is going to happen, and I can't do anything about it, so I might as well sleep." Easy to say, I know. LOL But it is possible. You just need to practice relaxing and calming down your thoughts.