View Full Version : Hey! Anxiety constantly...

12-05-2013, 03:09 PM
Hey, since 5 years ago i started to feel anxious~~ after ejaculation and ever since then i've always felt it after it...

The feelings and symptoms of fast heartbeat, tense stomach, breathing fast, feeling bad, panic attacks in some scenarios etc etc they have remained
Though, 5 years ago after an ejaculation I've felt good the second or third day and ejaculate again, feeling shit again.

The problem is not that I am afraid of my feelings, they are there and I know they exist. The only issue is that I have the feelings ALL THE TIME............
It's making me much worser in sports in running etc everything, even concentrating.

I will probably get anxiety drugs in 10-11 days when i get to the doctor.
Why do i have anxiety symptoms but aren't afraid of them? Anxiety is fear of something but i dont know what I'm worried about.

I've felt cured for 2 days perhaps on the last 3 years.
One day was at Christmas just out of nowhere, one day i was buying a "placebo band" i wore on the hand and believed in its quality and suddenly felt good again. However that lasted for one day.

I always fart a lot before I feel better.

I'm just tired of it and cant even remember how it is too feel good which scares me..
My symptoms are what makes me sad sometimes... not reverse, can be very jokeful and happy but still feel like shit from my symptoms

Lee Grant Irons
12-05-2013, 08:55 PM
Hello Hoho,

So what are your symptoms? In what ways do you feel sick? Have you been diagnosed with anything?

12-06-2013, 03:29 AM
Hey! I dont even think i have gotten any diagnosis yet, since themself have never heard this case before.. but all of the symptoms is really anxiety symptoms and i have talked to a psychologist regarding dealing with my anxiety for five times, yes i can deal with it but still, my life is 10x more worser and the fact that it has gone 5 years without any improvement scares me...

I feel sick in the way that my heart beats faster maybe resting pulse is around 88 bpm comparing to when I used to feel good i think according to myself I think I would have at least 50-60 bpm.
My stomach is very very very tense which makes it impossible to breathe deep since it feels like I have to fight for a big breath in, my conditioning is worser, i just never can relax either. If im in bed just chilling i always hear and feel my pulse at the same time my breaths really suck...

I hyperventilate I guess, even tho it's bad it's so hard not too , feels like i will loose my breath, I can get panic attacks when I exercise a lot, even tho i get panic attack i still continue since its not the panic itself that is the most annoying, the most annoying is that i cant breathe proper, my pulse is too high and my stomach too tense.. When i feel good i feel like my stomach is making itself bigger.

When my stomach gets better everything else also passes away..

Lee Grant Irons
12-06-2013, 05:45 AM
Hanger in there. You are in good company here. Lots of people suffer from this, so this has been experienced before by many people. I've experienced what you are talking about. It seems to be anxiety. The question is whether it is being caused by something else that the doctors can figure out and fix. Have you seen any doctors? Have they done any tests? If so, then what have the doctors told you?

By the way, unless you are a runner, your resting heart beat should not be as low as 50 to 60.

12-06-2013, 07:52 AM
Hanger in there. You are in good company here. Lots of people suffer from this, so this has been experienced before by many people. I've experienced what you are talking about. It seems to be anxiety. The question is whether it is being caused by something else that the doctors can figure out and fix. Have you seen any doctors? Have they done any tests? If so, then what have the doctors told you?

By the way, unless you are a runner, your resting heart beat should not be as low as 50 to 60. Thanks! Played a lot of tennis in my life since i was very very little, and therefor I dont think its unrealistic, this anxiety made me worser in the sports as well - demotivated me too.
I have seen doctors they've taken heart tests nothing wrong, been at a urulog where they took tests , I really dont know what tests I've taken and not, but I have an upcoming test in 4-5 days where I will check defiency in some minerals, gluten, asthma, I think.

I hear this "learn to live with your anxiety" but I just dont want to live with a tense stomach and breathing issues in the rest of my life.
This one out of two times I felt good I remember pain in the lower abdominen and then diahrea when i came home (was in car), after diahrea i noticed i felt better and better and later on the night i was 100% cured.

Can anxiety medications help me with my tense muscles and breathing problems? Also is it possible to get better BPM by exercising if I have anxiety? I mean if I just started to feel better now my heart beat would drop with like 20-30 bpm, so what do I improve if i exercise running with anxiety? anxiety BPM or overall BPM I dont get it. Since I would have a significantly much better BPM if I just got cured.