View Full Version : Not feeling like myself

12-04-2013, 10:42 AM
Does anyone have any tips on how to uplift yourself and feel more like yourself?...
Anxiety really takes it out of me and I just don't feel like doing anything anymore. It all seems like such an effort, need to pull myself together!

12-04-2013, 11:22 AM
Exercise helps me also singing seems to help to . Watching tv and just generally things that take your mind away from it. Hope unfeel better soon

12-04-2013, 11:32 AM
Hi jemmaax. I agree with Andy, exercise is really helpful. It needs to be very vigorous, the kind of exercise that releases endorphins (natural feel-good chemicals in your brain). I find running is the best. There's something called a "runner's high" which is a very good feeling you get after a hard run! I can't run as much as I used to anymore because I have some heel problems now, but you look like you are young and I would really recommend taking up a form of vigorous exercise such as running. Good luck!