View Full Version : How long does withdraw take, PLEASE HELP

12-03-2013, 04:55 PM
Withdrawing from 8mg of Klonapin/day and 150mg of Effexor/day, plus 6 Xyience energy drinks a day. I stopped them all cold turkey last Monday. But my NEW doctor replaced it with 1,200 mg/day of Neurontin, 10mg a day of Lexapro, and 4mg/day of Ativan. But for a week now, I have been going through hell.

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 05:03 PM
The Ativan isn't helping keep you calm? I would think it should. Is the hell you are going through an anxiety hell, or something else, like pain?

12-03-2013, 05:33 PM
The Ativan isn't helping keep you calm? I would think it should. Is the hell you are going through an anxiety hell, or something else, like pain?

It's been eight days of MASSIVE panic attacks, body aches, dizziness, no appetite, no real desire for anything. And yes the Ativan is helping. If not for that then I'd be in the hospital.

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 05:52 PM
I agree with forwells. Dropping a bunch of stuff cold turkey and starting you on a bunch of new stuff is too many changes all at once. How are you or the doctor supposed to figure out what is working and what is not working from this kind of approach. Stupid doctor. Find a new one. Maybe find one who also has an undergraduate degree in engineering and knows how to troubleshoot and solve problems.

What would you say started first in all of your health issues? Was anxiety/panic the first symptom you ever felt that something was wrong, or was it achiness, or something else? Or did they all start at the same time?

12-03-2013, 05:59 PM
I did find another doctor who also said it was stupid. She is the one who put me on the Lezapro, Ativan, and Neurontin. Not sure why she prescribed the Neurontin though.

12-03-2013, 06:02 PM
I agree with forwells. Dropping a bunch of stuff cold turkey and starting you on a bunch of new stuff is too many changes all at once. How are you or the doctor supposed to figure out what is working and what is not working from this kind of approach. Stupid doctor. Find a new one. Maybe find one who also has an undergraduate degree in engineering and knows how to troubleshoot and solve problems. What would you say started first in all of your health issues? Was anxiety/panic the first symptom you ever felt that something was wrong, or was it achiness, or something else? Or did they all start at the same time?

I've suffered from severe anxiety disorder since I was 7 and I am now 36, married with a 10 year old. So I've been in the battle a long time. But first time with something as ruthless as withdrawal. Just want to know when I'll go back to normal, if ever.

12-03-2013, 06:18 PM
Very sorry to hear what you went through. Truth be told this is my second withdrawal this year. This first being at the beginning of the year when I went out of control ( not under a dr.'s care) on Xanax. I was self medicating about 10 to 10mg a day. When I finally saw a specialist they immediately took me off of the Xanax and put me on the Klonapin. And now here we are at the end of the year withdrawing from that.

But now I know what the answer is with benzo's. Moderation. Too bad it took me two withdrawls to realize it.

12-03-2013, 06:59 PM
yes we learn the hard way .

They tell me it is very rare to have such bad reactions but i do read a bit about Klonapin withdrawal and it seems to be a bad one .

I am guessing once the other drugs kick in they will help alot .

I was on twice the maximum dosage of Klonapin plus 150mg of Effexor. Withdrawing from anyone one of them alone cold turkey is crazy and I went cold turkey on both. NOT SMART!! Oh, and throw in the 6 Monster energy drinks i was drinking a day that I stopped on the same day and you have a recipe for disaster.