View Full Version : What are your top worries?

12-02-2013, 11:00 PM
I always feel like I'm completely crazy and alone in the stuff I never stop thinking about, so maybe seeing some other peoples stuff would make it easier to deal with...

My most common worries are getting kicked out of my house, dying alone, dying (in that order), people judging me, dementia, never recovering from anxiety, going broke, fatigue at work, meaninglessness (I fear it like a threat), that I'm dumb or people see me as ugly, how much I lie to myself, my secret failure to want to get better. & probably the thing most commonly on my mind is the desperate need to be productive---and that when I'm not productive I feel like a pathetic failure who deserves everything bad that's going to happen because I'm not trying hard enough. You guys don't have to make yours so personal, just a few subjects is cool too. I just hate feeling alone in the worries.

12-02-2013, 11:16 PM
I worry about feeling dizzy and anxious then in it kicks!!!!

12-03-2013, 07:21 AM

Those are my worries to. Not so much about dying, I guess because there's not much I can do about that. But, the need to be productive, yes, absolutely. And, yeah, if I'm not productive then I'm pathetic. It's like all or nothing. I worry about being judged stupid; I worry about failure, so I don't try things. I also feel self-pity too. This affects how I am around others. I have to put on a performance that all is great and happy. Now, if things are going well, I'm cheery enough. But, it takes very little for me to feel like Humpty Dumpty after his fall.

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 07:38 AM
Rather than having worries, I try to have concerns. The difference is in the perspective. Worrying kind of sets me up for becoming agitated. Having concerns allows me to be productive in doing something about them. So, my concerns are:
1. That my kids who became ill in their childhood will carry their illness into their adulthood.
2. That I will relapse into my previous health crash, or that some new autoimmune disease will show up.
3. That I will never get out of debt.
4. That my oldest son will not get his incomplete classes finished and will have to pay for an extra year in college.

I have a longer list than this of "lesser" concerns.

Now, as to what makes them concerns, rather than just worries, I am actively doing things toward the end of achieving goals I have for each of these. You can read more about my story and how I managed to recover from my health crash after 5 years at my blog. The link is below in my signature. The methods I use today for my concerns/problems are the same methods as I used to recover from a very dark period of my life.

12-03-2013, 09:10 AM
Dying-someone from my family dying-heart problems-going crazy-spiralling back into chronic depression and having suicial thoughts-being alone. Ive got a loooong list of things that worry me most but these are my main anxiety triggers

Steven Daws
12-03-2013, 12:43 PM
Mine are, general health problems, but in particular, being sick. Any condition that can lead to the former, is also one of my worries. I also have the feeling sometimes of feeling as though I haven't achieved anything.

I try to face these worries (as best I can), I try to involve myself in things that will make me like I have achieved something. I volunteer at an animal sanctuary as I love animals, and I write because it is something that I love.

anxious aussie
12-03-2013, 03:55 PM
My list is long too but my main ones are; having something wrong with me eg brain tumor or something wrong with my heart, not having enough money/not saving enough, being in situations out if my control, things not going the way I planned/expected, change & things I can't change.
My triggers are so varied that it's very hard to pinpoint the problems

12-03-2013, 04:12 PM
Hi thinkitso I also have a few but my top ones are

Dying alone
My son or husband becoming very poorly or dying
Finding out I have an in curable disease
Being in an accident
Accidentally causing an accident and hurting or killing someone
Going to prison an being innocent
Falling into water (I like to avoid all bridges lol)
I could go on but they are my top ones