View Full Version : anxiety and stress linked

11-27-2013, 04:38 PM
Hi there,
how many of you think that anxiety and stress are related? I think that one feeds off the other. All is either calm or all is chaos. Let me know what you all think. Alita

11-27-2013, 06:58 PM
Yes deffo. My anxiety started from stress and my anxiety gets worse when I'm stressed. It's a crazy vicious circle and I find it very very hard to get out of and chill out.

11-27-2013, 07:18 PM
Absolutely!!! I have suffered for 20 years. Mostly I was able to control it and even forget about it but as soon as something stressful comes around...bam!.....here comes the anxiety!

11-27-2013, 07:25 PM
From what my patients have told me I would agree that stress and anxiety feed off each other. Anxiety is really the result of the mind or/and body repeatedly under stress. I think by addressing and reducing the stresses in your life you can begin to lessen your anxiety. I'm sure its been said on this forum a million times but relaxation/meditation/visualisation are great ways to reduce your level of stress!

11-28-2013, 12:17 PM
HI all,
thanks for the replies. How to deal with stress at the moment is hard to do. There must be a way to make time everyday to get better and deal with it. Anybody try yoga or meditation? Any am exercises? Let me know what you all think. Thanks. Alita