View Full Version : Ran out of setreline

11-27-2013, 05:11 AM
I currently have had no meds for two weeks now after been on them for 6 month solid. I feel quite terrible to tell you the truth I feel shaky dizzy bloodshot eyes a can't sleep wired pain or ache in my chest not like normal chest pains just a dull pain when I press on my left side in one spot 😢. I feel proper emotional at the min like I have a serious illness and am finding it hard to believe this is because I have not took my medication anyone help of give me any advice please ? It would be a great help

11-27-2013, 05:24 AM
Did you just stop taking them?

If you did then it will def be the withdrawal it has a long half life so every time your taking another one the half like goes up and takes longer and longer to get out your system you might want to go to your gp and see if they can help

11-27-2013, 05:39 AM
Did you just stop taking them? If you did then it will def be the withdrawal it has a long half life so every time your taking another one the half like goes up and takes longer and longer to get out your system you might want to go to your gp and see if they can help

Can't get off work going to have to just go Friday. Scared like but am just going to have to stick it out

11-28-2013, 10:31 AM
Anyone help please ? So over the past two weeks the feelings are getting worse it's like a jitter in by body is the only way to describe it yesterday I spent over half an hour crying in the bath anyone know if this is because I have I not had serteline for nearly 3 weeks now ??

11-28-2013, 10:39 AM
Anyone help please ? So over the past two weeks the feelings are getting worse it's like a jitter in by body is the only way to describe it yesterday I spent over half an hour crying in the bath anyone know if this is because I have I not had serteline for nearly 3 weeks now ??

Crying can be a symptom of high anxiety. Mine made me really tearful.

There's every chance the setraline was hiding anxiety, and now it's come to the surface, or you're getting some rebound anxiety.

Add that into withdrawal effects, and your brain going cold turkey, then yes, it's more than likely the setraline issue is making you like this.

If you believe you have a hold of anxiety, this will go as the withdrawal symptoms die, and your body returns to normal. If you dont have a handle on it, it may very well spin out of control really quickly, so try your best to kinda keep it all in place using the usual methods.