View Full Version : Tiredness

11-23-2013, 08:35 AM
I'm physically drained from my anxiety. Yesterday I had one of the biggest attacks and today the anxiety has subsided but Iv been knocked for six. I'm so drained and tired I just want to sleep. Does anyone else get like this?

11-23-2013, 10:42 AM
Yes I get exactly the same. The last attack I had I ended up calling an ambulance as I was so afraid and didn't feel right for ages after. Still not 100% now and it was a month ago. Hope you get better soon xxxx

11-23-2013, 12:23 PM
Yes!! After an attack or even after having anxiety everyday for days, I have to sleep. I am lucky because I have a great man that will take care of everything while I rest. I know how you feel. Your body went through a lot and needs the rest to recover just like it does if u have the flu or bad cold. Your body used a lot of energy during its fight or flight period that it now needs a down time. Try to sleep. It's okay. Ur body and mind needs it!!

11-23-2013, 08:10 PM
Magnesium seems to help reduce my levels of fatigue caused by anxiety, but yes I do get like that.

11-23-2013, 08:22 PM
anxiety takes its toll on your body and mind making you very tired or exhausted its normal. your body needs the rest

11-23-2013, 08:26 PM
You're not alone this. after anxiety attack hi to him severely drained physically and mentally

11-23-2013, 08:28 PM
[let's try that again LOL you were not alone in this i too am physically and mentally drained after anxiety attack . It seems like the next day all I want to do is rest. Which is a very rough feeling when you have kids and a job to do. Anyway I hope you feel better soon