11-22-2013, 01:55 PM
My relationship anxiety has got very bad again recently and I don't know what to do! I love my boyfriend so much and don't want to risk loosing him just because of my anxiety! I am constantly scared he is going to leave me, I will question him if he loves me or if he is having doubts and it is draining for the both of us. If he does something which does not sound 'keen' such as if I talk about the future and he doesn't say what I want him to say then I will obsess over it. He has put up for it for months from me, (we have been together 1 year 3 months) but I worry about it so much. I over think/analyse everything he does and every text or phone call we have. In a result of me making him annoyed by all the questions he has started to say that I make him feel really bad for this as he feels he cant do anything right! I completely see where he is coming from but I STILL cant stop, it is so draining, please help :( we have also been through a hard patch in that year which he stuck by me 100% through