View Full Version : anxiety free

11-20-2013, 01:24 PM
After a lifetime of serious nightmares and anxiety troubles I decided enough was enough. I didn’t want to live with my troubles anymore. I wanted them gone. At the time I wasn’t sure how I would achieve this especially as everyone around me said this wasn’t possible. One thing I did know though, was that I wanted my black dog to find another tree to piss up against.

After several years of self-study and determination my anxiety is a shadow of its former self. However the real breakthrough is that I have been nightmare free for over two months. Everyday I am amazed by what I have done. Anyone who has suffered from anxiety and nightmares will appreciate just how incredible this is.

My self-developed technique involves a novel way to discover the source of the anxiety and nightmares (For me it was not in an obvious place). Then with a combination of quantum physics principles and the fact the mind can’t distinguish between what is real and what is perceived real I retuned the anxiety. To my delight, this produced amazing results.
Having suffered for most of my life I know what my newfound calmness means. If I can develop this technique such that one other person doesn’t have to suffer as I have then I will die a happy man.

My problem is (why I am posting this messages) I don’t know where to go with my discovery. Also my finances are not such that I can’t do much without support.
Is anyone able to make suggestion of what I could do to develop my discovery? What ways could I get support? Are there organisations that I could go to with this? Is there any advice anyone could give? I was dead in the water, which makes my discovery even more amazing. The fact I am here writing this posting proves there is hope no matter how deep the despair.

11-20-2013, 02:32 PM
I think I used a similar principal. At least, the quantum physics thing, and the mind having trouble differentiating between the real and the perceived, ring bells. I'm sure yours is more unique, mine was pretty standard, I've posted a little about it on here.

I also was pretty much dead in the water.

Having not seen your work, or your method, I can't really comment on the BEST best way, but if it's revolutionary, go to a university psychology department and chat with them.

If it's just a really great method, write a book. Or a diary. Write it in MS Word, convert it to PDF, and that's it done.

Then upload it clickbank, and get somebody to write a cheap sales page... Or do it yourself, there are lots of tutorials. Now people will go selling your book for you. Give it to a few people to review. Upload it to Amazon too.

Then blog, get a good blog running. these are often free to do. Add in a mail list section, whereby you offer tips and tasters to people. Once a month, sell them your book via email. Numbers this way are usually really good. Add in links to your book on your blog. Get people coming to your blog by posting good content on forums, and linking it in your signature. Also open a twitter account with some cool info tweets.

Then sit back and count cash as money is coming in through various channels. It's hard work I guess, to begin with, but once it's up and running, it kinda goes on autopilot. It's easy than the publishing route too. An average book price is around 15-30$ an average anxiety ebook costs around $40-100, and there are no printing charges.

There are options to get people to do these things for you, but they all cost money. Usually when tight on funds, you have to do it yourself.

If it's good, you'll make a lot of money. Charles Linden (linden method author) is now a very rich man.

Edit: Jeez ipad, so much freaking auto correct in this post!!!!!!

11-20-2013, 02:52 PM
did your method work for you?