View Full Version : Understanding heart palps and their effect?!?!?!?

11-20-2013, 06:53 AM
Please is you have proven knowledge of heart palps and the proven effect on the heart please respond to this question. I just read that they have recently done a study and that among other symptoms, people have complained of heart palps up to a month before having heart attack. By no means am I trying to scare anyone I am only trying to understand what this all means. How are we as anxious people supposed to know if the heart palps we experience are any cause for concern? How can we tell the difference. I have had many many EKGS , 2 echocardiograms, 2 nuclear stress tests, and wore a halter monitor for three weeks and thank God all was normal. With that being said, can we rest assured that a heart palp is harmless? Please if you have any proven knowledge please help me out here. Greatly appreciate your advice!

11-20-2013, 12:46 PM
Heart palps can indeed be precludes to heart attacks, sure. Headaches can also be a symptom of, or be preludes to a variety of brain disorders. Of course it doesn't mean a heart palp means a heart attack, or a headache means a brain disorder. The odds of this being the case are low. We all know this.

To lower those small odds even further, obviously we have checks. There are a variety of health checks out there that monitor the heart and brain, to ensure these symptoms, which should be innocent, are indeed innocent. Sounds like you've had a lot of these :)

So we have small odds of a symptom being an indicator of a heart attack. We then make these odds EVEN smaller by having the required tests.

But that's all we can do. We can't eliminate all risk. Ever. We can't predict what will happen in the future. There are too many anomalies, even to the patterns.

In life, you have to settle for very low risk, as you can't ever have certainty

You just have to accept very, very low odds, and from your post (if your doctor agrees), then I believe that's what you have now. Extremely low odds of a problem.

And so there comes a point, where you have to say, for your sanity Blessed; 'you know what, I've done the best I can do here .. COME WHAT MAY'

And you have to let go. You HAVE to let go. Because you can't hold on to it and be healthy. You can't hold onto that desire to be completely safe, or be completely in control, and remain of healthy mind. Nobody can have these things given to them, and those that can't deal with that, suffer greatly.

Nobody can ever, at any point in your life, tell you that you are 100% safe. And you seem to need that. 99.9% doesn't seem to be enough for your brain, as it has become so overwhelmed under the stress of everything that's gone on inside it.

It's all about your relationship with risk. That's the way life was made to be for some reason. Life = Risk. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, your ancestors left their cave and didn't know whether they were gonna make it back with food, or die. Life was never really made to be safe. You can only take the best precautions and actions you can, in each circumstance, and if your doctor believes you have, then it's time to look at this illness from a different angle.

And that's what the amygdala is for. The small survival centre of the brain, responsible in part for fight or flight. It's there to alert you to a danger, and to alert your mind, and senses to deal appropriately with this danger. To make the best decision in each circumstance you face that may be problematic to you. Only... It isn't a super computer, and it isn't psychic. It can't ever be completely decisive, but, a healthy brain can live with that. You're at a stage, where due to stress, yours has become unhealthy, and can't live with it.

Your amygdala has become incredibly, incredibly hyperactive. I wanna personalize it, and say it has ADHD at this point. It's a kid, bouncing around inside your head that's just drunk a bottle of Coke. It's becoming alarmed at an alarming rate.

And you will never fix this, in this mind set. You will never ever ever fix your problem, by chasing the certainty you you want to find. Because no one has it. Something's ALWAYS comes along. Something new, something that makes you doubt a little.
My heart could give up tomorrow. Healthy athletes die during sporting events. There is no certainty for anybody, and we'd all go mad if we panicked until we got it.

Only embracing uncertainty, when the odds are vastly in your favour, is how to live normally. That's sanity for people like us. That's all sanity is. In a way, sanity is just handing the keys over to chance, and saying I have 99.9% chance on my side... Spin your dice..

For some reason, that's sanity. When you can live amongst risk, you'll be normal again. Right now, you feel awful as you're failing at trying to do something unnatural.

Only when you embrace life's risk, and life's dangers, will your amygdala relax again. Only when you make peace with those tiny percentages, that represent danger, does it slow down and breathe again. Cos they are always there.

And you only do that by saying fuck it. Enoughs enough. You gotta get back into that primitive state of mind your ancestors had, and you had before you became sick. You gotta get up, and live your life, not removed of danger, but in spite of it.

By doing that you'll be free of this. Pretty quickly too. You'll have your life back to normal.

Studies have shown you aren't at any immediate risk from palpitations if they are caused by anxiety. And if your doctor is happy with that diagnosis, perhaps now is the time to let go.

It's time to be you again Blessed. It's time to live like human beings were intended to. If you don't let go, you gotta realize you could be holding onto this for the rest of your life. Cos it sure won't let go until you do.

By doing this you will signal to your amygdala that it's ok. That things are ok, it can relax. And given time it will. This thread is coffee for your amygdala. It's stimulating it, and these thoughts and ideas you've written down, are making the dysfunction even stronger. It would be so great for you, if you could slowly begin to turn around, and go the other way. Go down the opposite path, leading to a calm amygdala, rather than a stressed one.

To paraphrase from the gladiator movie; 'Death smiles at each of us... All we can do is smile back'

11-20-2013, 01:13 PM
Heart palps can indeed be precludes to heart attacks, sure. Headaches can also be a symptom of, or be preludes to a variety of brain disorders. Of course it doesn't mean a heart palp means a heart attack, or a headache means a brain disorder. The odds of this being the case are low. We all know this.

To lower those small odds even further, obviously we have checks. There are a variety of health checks out there that monitor the heart and brain, to ensure these symptoms, which should be innocent, are indeed innocent. Sounds like you've had a lot of these :)

So we have small odds of a symptom being an indicator of a heart attack. We then make these odds EVEN smaller by having the required tests.

But that's all we can do. We can't eliminate all risk. Ever. There are too many anomalies.

In life, you have to settle for very low risk, as you can't ever have certainty

You just have to accept very, very low odds, and from your post (if your doctor agrees), then I believe that's what you have now. Extremely low odds of a problem.

And so there comes a point, where you have to say, for your sanity Blessed; 'you know what, I've done the best I can do here .. COME WHAT MAY'

And you have to let go. You HAVE to let go. Because you can't hold on to it. You can't hold onto that desire to be completely safe, or be I. complete control. Nobody can. Nobody can ever at any point in your life, tell you that you are 100% safe. And you seem to need that. 99.9% doesn't seem to be enough.

That's the way life was made to be for some reason. Life = Risk. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, your ancestors left their cave and didn't know whether they were gonna make it back with food, or die. Life was never really made to be safe. You can only take the best precautions you can, givn the circumstance.

And that's what the amygdala is for. The small survival centre of the brain, responsible in part for fight or flight. It's there to alert you to a danger, and to alert your mind, and senses to deal appropriately with this danger. Only... It isn't a super computer, and it isn't psychic. It can't ever be completely decisive, but, a healthy brain can live with that. You're at a stage, where due to stress, yours has become unhealthy.

Your amygdala has become incredibly, incredibly hyperactive. I wanna personalize it, and say it has ADHD at this point. It's a kid, bouncing around inside your head that's just drunk a bottle of Coke. It's becoming alarmed at an alarming rate.

And you will never fix this, in this mind set. You will never ever ever fix your problem, by chasing the certainty you you want to find. Because no one has it. Something's ALWAYS comes along. Something new, something that makes you doubt a little.
My heart could give up tomorrow. Healthy athletes die during sporting events. There is no certainty for anybody, and we'd all go mad if we panicked until we got it.

Only embracing uncertainty, when the odds are vastly in your favour, is how to live normally. That's sanity. That's all sanity is. In a way, sanity is just handing the keys over to chance, and saying I have 99.9% chance in my side... Spin your dice..

For some reason, that's sanity. When you can live amongst risk, you'll be normal again. Right now, you feel awful as you're failing at trying to do something unnatural.

Only when you embrace life's risk, and life's dangers, will your amygdala relax again. Only when you make peace with those tiny percentages, that represent danger. Cos they are always there. And you only do that by saying fuck it. Enoughs enough. You gotta get back into that primitive state of mind your ancestors had, and you had before you get sick. You gotta get up, and live your life, not removed of danger, but in spite of it.

By doing that you'll be free of this. Pretty quickly too.

Studies have shown you aren't at any immediate risk from palpitations if they are caused by anxiety. And if your doctor is happy with that diagnosis, it's time to let go.

It's time to be you again Blessed. It's time to live like human beings were intended to. If you don't let go, you gotta realize you could be holding onto this for the rest of your life. Cos it sure won't let you until you do.

I agree with this you are letting it beat you Down

I know and trust me I really know what it's like to constantly think its something other than it is you have probably seen me say this before but I work in a gp surgery and trust me these doctors have worked hard to get where they are intact 2 of our doctors are ex surgeons and this is their job

In your case if something like that happened that's a law suit straight away but you can't change what will be and to stop the palps you need to try and stop letting it get into your head

It's hard work I know I have only just gave up on the chest pain

I hope you feel better soon

11-20-2013, 06:57 PM
Heart palps can indeed be precludes to heart attacks, sure. Headaches can also be a symptom of, or be preludes to a variety of brain disorders. Of course it doesn't mean a heart palp means a heart attack, or a headache means a brain disorder. The odds of this being the case are low. We all know this. To lower those small odds even further, obviously we have checks. There are a variety of health checks out there that monitor the heart and brain, to ensure these symptoms, which should be innocent, are indeed innocent. Sounds like you've had a lot of these :) So we have small odds of a symptom being an indicator of a heart attack. We then make these odds EVEN smaller by having the required tests. But that's all we can do. We can't eliminate all risk. Ever. We can't predict what will happen in the future. There are too many anomalies, even to the patterns. In life, you have to settle for very low risk, as you can't ever have certainty You just have to accept very, very low odds, and from your post (if your doctor agrees), then I believe that's what you have now. Extremely low odds of a problem. And so there comes a point, where you have to say, for your sanity Blessed; 'you know what, I've done the best I can do here .. COME WHAT MAY' And you have to let go. You HAVE to let go. Because you can't hold on to it and be healthy. You can't hold onto that desire to be completely safe, or be completely in control, and remain of healthy mind. Nobody can have these things given to them, and those that can't deal with that, suffer greatly. Nobody can ever, at any point in your life, tell you that you are 100% safe. And you seem to need that. 99.9% doesn't seem to be enough for your brain, as it has become so overwhelmed under the stress of everything that's gone on inside it. It's all about your relationship with risk. That's the way life was made to be for some reason. Life = Risk. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, your ancestors left their cave and didn't know whether they were gonna make it back with food, or die. Life was never really made to be safe. You can only take the best precautions and actions you can, in each circumstance, and if your doctor believes you have, then it's time to look at this illness from a different angle. And that's what the amygdala is for. The small survival centre of the brain, responsible in part for fight or flight. It's there to alert you to a danger, and to alert your mind, and senses to deal appropriately with this danger. To make the best decision in each circumstance you face that may be problematic to you. Only... It isn't a super computer, and it isn't psychic. It can't ever be completely decisive, but, a healthy brain can live with that. You're at a stage, where due to stress, yours has become unhealthy, and can't live with it. Your amygdala has become incredibly, incredibly hyperactive. I wanna personalize it, and say it has ADHD at this point. It's a kid, bouncing around inside your head that's just drunk a bottle of Coke. It's becoming alarmed at an alarming rate. And you will never fix this, in this mind set. You will never ever ever fix your problem, by chasing the certainty you you want to find. Because no one has it. Something's ALWAYS comes along. Something new, something that makes you doubt a little. My heart could give up tomorrow. Healthy athletes die during sporting events. There is no certainty for anybody, and we'd all go mad if we panicked until we got it. Only embracing uncertainty, when the odds are vastly in your favour, is how to live normally. That's sanity for people like us. That's all sanity is. In a way, sanity is just handing the keys over to chance, and saying I have 99.9% chance on my side... Spin your dice.. For some reason, that's sanity. When you can live amongst risk, you'll be normal again. Right now, you feel awful as you're failing at trying to do something unnatural. Only when you embrace life's risk, and life's dangers, will your amygdala relax again. Only when you make peace with those tiny percentages, that represent danger does it slow down and breathe again. Cos they are always there. And you only do that by saying fuck it. Enoughs enough. You gotta get back into that primitive state of mind your ancestors had, and you had before you became sick. You gotta get up, and live your life, not removed of danger, but in spite of it. By doing that you'll be free of this. Pretty quickly too. You'll have your life back to normal. Studies have shown you aren't at any immediate risk from palpitations if they are caused by anxiety. And if your doctor is happy with that diagnosis, perhaps now is the time to let go. It's time to be you again Blessed. It's time to live like human beings were intended to. If you don't let go, you gotta realize you could be holding onto this for the rest of your life. Cos it sure won't let you until you do. By doing this you will signal to your amygdala that it's ok. That things are ok, it can relax. And given time it will. This thread is coffee for your amygdala. It's stimulating it, and these thoughts and ideas you've written down, are making the dysfunction even stronger. It would be so great for you, if you could slowly begin to turn around, and go the other way. Go down the opposite path, leading to a calm amygdala, rather than a stressed one. To paraphrase from the gladiator move; 'Death smiles at each of us... All we can do is smile back' I really enjoyed this post and it has so much truth in it, I have got to learn to let it go and accept what the doctors have told me over and over . This is so hard but I want to stop all the madness and uncertainties . Only God knows what's in store for me and no amount of my worrying is gonna change it. Thank you so much for this !

11-21-2013, 04:32 AM
Heart palps can indeed be precludes to heart attacks, sure. Headaches can also be a symptom of, or be preludes to a variety of brain disorders. Of course it doesn't mean a heart palp means a heart attack, or a headache means a brain disorder. The odds of this being the case are low. We all know this. To lower those small odds even further, obviously we have checks. There are a variety of health checks out there that monitor the heart and brain, to ensure these symptoms, which should be innocent, are indeed innocent. Sounds like you've had a lot of these :) So we have small odds of a symptom being an indicator of a heart attack. We then make these odds EVEN smaller by having the required tests. But that's all we can do. We can't eliminate all risk. Ever. We can't predict what will happen in the future. There are too many anomalies, even to the patterns. In life, you have to settle for very low risk, as you can't ever have certainty You just have to accept very, very low odds, and from your post (if your doctor agrees), then I believe that's what you have now. Extremely low odds of a problem. And so there comes a point, where you have to say, for your sanity Blessed; 'you know what, I've done the best I can do here .. COME WHAT MAY' And you have to let go. You HAVE to let go. Because you can't hold on to it and be healthy. You can't hold onto that desire to be completely safe, or be completely in control, and remain of healthy mind. Nobody can have these things given to them, and those that can't deal with that, suffer greatly. Nobody can ever, at any point in your life, tell you that you are 100% safe. And you seem to need that. 99.9% doesn't seem to be enough for your brain, as it has become so overwhelmed under the stress of everything that's gone on inside it. It's all about your relationship with risk. That's the way life was made to be for some reason. Life = Risk. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, your ancestors left their cave and didn't know whether they were gonna make it back with food, or die. Life was never really made to be safe. You can only take the best precautions and actions you can, in each circumstance, and if your doctor believes you have, then it's time to look at this illness from a different angle. And that's what the amygdala is for. The small survival centre of the brain, responsible in part for fight or flight. It's there to alert you to a danger, and to alert your mind, and senses to deal appropriately with this danger. To make the best decision in each circumstance you face that may be problematic to you. Only... It isn't a super computer, and it isn't psychic. It can't ever be completely decisive, but, a healthy brain can live with that. You're at a stage, where due to stress, yours has become unhealthy, and can't live with it. Your amygdala has become incredibly, incredibly hyperactive. I wanna personalize it, and say it has ADHD at this point. It's a kid, bouncing around inside your head that's just drunk a bottle of Coke. It's becoming alarmed at an alarming rate. And you will never fix this, in this mind set. You will never ever ever fix your problem, by chasing the certainty you you want to find. Because no one has it. Something's ALWAYS comes along. Something new, something that makes you doubt a little. My heart could give up tomorrow. Healthy athletes die during sporting events. There is no certainty for anybody, and we'd all go mad if we panicked until we got it. Only embracing uncertainty, when the odds are vastly in your favour, is how to live normally. That's sanity for people like us. That's all sanity is. In a way, sanity is just handing the keys over to chance, and saying I have 99.9% chance on my side... Spin your dice.. For some reason, that's sanity. When you can live amongst risk, you'll be normal again. Right now, you feel awful as you're failing at trying to do something unnatural. Only when you embrace life's risk, and life's dangers, will your amygdala relax again. Only when you make peace with those tiny percentages, that represent danger does it slow down and breathe again. Cos they are always there. And you only do that by saying fuck it. Enoughs enough. You gotta get back into that primitive state of mind your ancestors had, and you had before you became sick. You gotta get up, and live your life, not removed of danger, but in spite of it. By doing that you'll be free of this. Pretty quickly too. You'll have your life back to normal. Studies have shown you aren't at any immediate risk from palpitations if they are caused by anxiety. And if your doctor is happy with that diagnosis, perhaps now is the time to let go. It's time to be you again Blessed. It's time to live like human beings were intended to. If you don't let go, you gotta realize you could be holding onto this for the rest of your life. Cos it sure won't let you until you do. By doing this you will signal to your amygdala that it's ok. That things are ok, it can relax. And given time it will. This thread is coffee for your amygdala. It's stimulating it, and these thoughts and ideas you've written down, are making the dysfunction even stronger. It would be so great for you, if you could slowly begin to turn around, and go the other way. Go down the opposite path, leading to a calm amygdala, rather than a stressed one. To paraphrase from the gladiator move; 'Death smiles at each of us... All we can do is smile back'

You have said some pretty enlightening things in the past but sometimes you still impress me.

Really insightful

I'm drinking a warm beer in your honor this evening.

11-21-2013, 05:07 AM
Only embracing uncertainty, when the odds are vastly in your favour, is how to live normally. That's sanity for people like us. That's all sanity is. In a way, sanity is just handing the keys over to chance, and saying I have 99.9% chance on my side... Spin your dice..

For some reason, that's sanity. When you can live amongst risk, you'll be normal again. Right now, you feel awful as you're failing at trying to do something unnatural........

To paraphrase from the gladiator move; 'Death smiles at each of us... All we can do is smile back'

^^^ That was a super fabulous post.. I'm seriously thinking of printing this out and framing it there's so much greatness in your words..:)