View Full Version : Anxiety as a mother

11-18-2013, 07:54 PM
I suffered with anxiety growing up and think it was made worse by the fact that my family didn't believe in mental disorders that you had to suck it up and get on with life and maybe that's why I am struggling so much I have three children and as beautiful as they are I did not plan to have any of them and after having my 3rd at first I thought it was easy but I am finding as time goes on I am finding it harder and harder and am starting to feel like they are suffering because I can't cope with everything that's expected of me, I can feel my anxiety building more and more as the days go on to the point I hate Monday mornings knowing that I have 5 days of them alone and have to try and get everything done. I get a sinking feeling when I hear they are awake and just want my husband to be home. I am trying so hard to simplify my life but it really doesn't seem to work I'm even getting anxious about posting this as I don't want to be judged I just need to know it can get better and there are ways of dealing with it I've tried breathing exercises and relaxation but find I get more anxious when I feel it's not working.

11-18-2013, 08:19 PM
My anxiety got worse after having my third child. I'm irritable and short often....it makes me sad. When they're asleep, I miss them...but when they're awake it's a constant boxing and referee scenario between me and them. The constant bickering and "she did this" or "he did that" grind on me like mad. If I were to be completely honest, I would tell people with anxiety to think long and hard about having kids. I'm grateful to be a mom...my kids are good kids...I just feel like a bad mom at the end of the day. Sorry that I'm not more encouraging. Maybe you'll find comfort that you're not alone.

11-18-2013, 08:35 PM
Yeah I thought I was long over having attacks and recently they have come back with vengeance I'm exactly the same my two girls kill each other and most of my friend only have one and don't understand or tell me I make 3 seem easy but I can't see how because I'm not coping it actually did give me reassurance that I'm not alone and I was hoping that more than anything I feel I sink myself deeper thinking that I'm the only one who feels like this I just don't want to anymore and don't know what to do about it

11-19-2013, 01:37 AM
It is hard having anxiety and trying to be a mom too. This is one of my biggest struggles. The guilt eats me alive. My problem is mostly my lack of patience. I have expectations for myself that I cannot meet with this anxiety. My hubby says I'm too hard on myself, but I don't want my kids memories to be of me biting their heads off or sitting around because I don't feel good. Most days I just have to push myself to function.

11-19-2013, 01:59 AM
Yeah my husband says the same he said he doesn't expect things to be done he's not a demanding husband but as he is in work I view it as my job and it's true you don't want to but all I seem to do is shout especially today I've had two crying all day and when the eldest came home she just wants to be naughty and not listen it's like they know so act up more to irritate me or that's the way I feel

11-19-2013, 02:12 AM
I definitely think they can sense when were stressed. I'm not sure why they act up more when that's the case, but it's true. With mine, I focus on the petty things they do, I am slightly OCD, so I get bugged by little things. I feel sorry for my babies sometimes. I am thankful that my family is understanding though, for the most part.

11-19-2013, 02:46 AM
Yeah my family are not round it is really just me and hubby so it can get a little crazy I'm glad I found this though knowing there are others I can chat too and know I'm not alone has really helped today

11-19-2013, 02:56 AM
I have one little girl and sometimes when I am feeling bad she works herself

We were about to try for another baby (not literally) when all this hit now I am not sure we will ever have another one because I couldn't bring a baby into this world when I am feeling like this

I am disappointed because we really want another one but if I never feel normal again it's not going to happen

11-19-2013, 03:01 AM
Yeah I would have spread mine out more had more of a gap but at times it's easier that the older two can entertain each other but they fight so much and with the baby being so young and demanding I'm hoping it gets better