View Full Version : Worry About Everything!

11-18-2013, 12:52 PM
I'm just going to list things I constantly worry about...

-I'm in a band, aged 22, and keep thinking I'm too old to be in a band even though I KNOW 22 is young, but can't help worrying about it anyway. I'm just worried if this band doesn't get anywhere, and I'm left too old to do anything about it.

-I worry what people think of me ALL OF THE TIME, whether its the acne scars on my face, certain actions I may do, etc.

-I constantly re-do things such as checking an important email, to make sure everything's in order, and I know that can be a normal thing to do, but I check things WAY TOO MUCH and it's just getting me down.

I know there's worst problems in the world, but that's just a summary of how I seem to overthink and worry about every little thing....