View Full Version : anxiety and eating again

11-17-2013, 07:43 PM
Hello everyone,
Does anyone find that anxiety strips u of your appetite? I wish there was a magic pill to make me have hunger pangs and eat normally. Anyone with some opinions on this topic, please let me know. Alita.

11-17-2013, 10:23 PM
I almost never have an appetite, whether I actively feel anxious or not. I can go a week with only the occassional snack, and if left to my own devices I would. One thing that nearly always snaps me into having an appetite is the smell of garlic or when my period rolls around. Otherwise, I just have to try to remember that I need to eat.

11-18-2013, 04:17 AM
This always happens to me! To the point where I dropped roughy 50 pounds in 4 months. When I'm in a rough batch all I seem to do is drink coffee, and eat soda crackers when I get light headed. Bad Idea! I am trying to stop this negative feedback loop right now cause half my anxiety gets caused by low blood sugar. So I'm forcing myself to eat lots of bright coloured salads, get plenty of iron, and keep well hydrated (minimize coffee), it seems to be working :)

11-18-2013, 04:24 AM
I really struggle with eating for the first 5 hours of getting out of bed. My anxiety is through the roof and I'm a mess. I know in my head I need to eat but my stomach won't let me :(

11-18-2013, 12:12 PM
I can't eat when I wake up. I have almost no appetite until a good 4 or 5 hours after waking up. Sometimes after about 6 hours awake I'll finally be hungry enough to grab a snack, but my diet is so limited. If I have any kind of bad experience even slightly related to a certain type of food, I will put it on a banned foods list for months or even years. I have to distract myself while I eat to eat a full meal. I don't now if this is an anxiety thing, because it happens even when I feel fine, but it's a really terrible pattern and it doesn't make my anxiety better when it does come back in.

11-18-2013, 01:56 PM
How do u feel when u wake up though? Do you just not feel hungry? Or do u feel anxious and panicky?

11-18-2013, 05:31 PM
Just not hungry. Sometimes anxious, but almost never hungry.

11-18-2013, 05:39 PM
See I never really feel hungry just really really anxious n horrible.

James Valdez
11-18-2013, 06:28 PM
yea this happens to me sometimes too.smoking weed helps

11-18-2013, 08:48 PM
Hi all,
thanks for ur responses. I try to eat when anxiety hits; but then I start to analyze food, which is sooooooo exhausting, that I end up eating not much at all. So is it safe to say that anorexia and anxiety are linked? Can eating disorders be called anxiety disorders? Hmmm? It has made me start to think. How about u? Take care. Alita

11-19-2013, 07:46 AM
Hi everyone,
I am brand new to this forum and have not yet been diagnosed with anxiety, but I have been diagnosed with depression. However a few nights ago I had my first serious panic attack and haven't been okay since. I haven't eaten in three days, struggle to fall asleep and when I do I wake up in pure panic. I'm in college and I've stopped doing my homework, can't attend classes and can barely get myself to work. This all started around anxiety about my relationship. I keep having compulsive thoughts pop into my head that I'm not in the right place, that i don't love him enough, etc. We live together so it's difficult to spend time apart and figure out what I need. He's a great guy though and we've been together for two years without any problems. I've explained all of this to him and he is supportive, but somehow i can't get these thoughts out of my head and they are literally driving me to be sick to my stomach, heart pounding, shaking, difficulty breathing. Is this normal? Similar to anxiety symptoms? I'm sorry if this is unrelated to this thread but I didn't know how to start a new one. Any help or suggestions would be treaty appreciated. Never felt like this before and very worried. Thank you.

11-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Hi everyone,
I am brand new to this forum and have not yet been diagnosed with anxiety, but I have been diagnosed with depression. However a few nights ago I had my first serious panic attack and haven't been okay since. I haven't eaten in three days, struggle to fall asleep and when I do I wake up in pure panic. I'm in college and I've stopped doing my homework, can't attend classes and can barely get myself to work. This all started around anxiety about my relationship. I keep having compulsive thoughts pop into my head that I'm not in the right place, that i don't love him enough, etc. We live together so it's difficult to spend time apart and figure out what I need. He's a great guy though and we've been together for two years without any problems. I've explained all of this to him and he is supportive, but somehow i can't get these thoughts out of my head and they are literally driving me to be sick to my stomach, heart pounding, shaking, difficulty breathing. Is this normal? Similar to anxiety symptoms? I'm sorry if this is unrelated to this thread but I didn't know how to start a new one. Any help or suggestions would be treaty appreciated. Never felt like this before and very worried. Thank you.

Hi daisy

I remember 2 month ago when I had my first attack it took me a few days to feel like it subsided again but I haven't felt normal since the meds I am on have been helping but I seem to get a bad couple of days here and there

My suggestions are facing things head on otherwise it consumes you I am feeling terrible right now but because I have my little girl I can't just go curl up in bed I have to stay here and just bare it, I had a panic attack about 4 days after I had my first one in a supermarket and ever since I have felt dizzy and sick when I go in but by the end I feel ok

Because I am facing things my panic attacks last about 2 mins now instead of the first one which was about an hour

I hope this helps a little

11-19-2013, 01:21 PM
It helps a bit. I'm currently scheduling appointments with a therapist. I saw an crisis therapist this morning because I felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest due to anxiety. I really hope this helps and starts to bring me back to normal. I want to be able to take control over my anxiety and my body again.