View Full Version : Bed times :(

11-14-2013, 01:52 PM
Iv noticed the last week bed times are becoming a problem. About half 9-10 the pain starts in my upper stomach. Burping loads burning feeling and start to feel sick I don't even feel anxious but it must be my anxiety bringing it on :(. I know it's not a bug and that I won't be sick but I can't relax or even lay down and find standing up is the only way I'm comfy. After a few hours tho I'm struggling to keep myself up and I'm starting to fall asleep. Last night it was 3.30am when I last looked at the clock and 5.30am the night before. I don't know if it's become a subconscious thing an now at bed time I'm fretting without realising

I use gaviscon, Polos, lavender oil and rescue remedy and the doc has just put me on domperidone to go with my lansoprazole.

I try watching DVDs and tele. Word searches. Cross words. Cross stitching. Listening to calming music and I'm getting to the end of my tether because I won't even let my bf stay round now as I don't want him to see the state I get in. Does anyone else suffer with bad acid problems?

11-14-2013, 01:57 PM
Same here. Idk what's going on with me it seems like when I lay down I have really bad chest pressure and throbbing pain. Idk what's going on with me. Hope you get better