View Full Version : anxiety and ocd and eating disorders

11-11-2013, 04:40 PM
Hello to all,
I wonder if anxiety and ocd and eating disorders go hand in hand? Anyone want to share their opinion, please do. Thanks. Alita

11-12-2013, 01:18 AM
Hi alita, I total get what you are saying. Before anxiety I was fine. I now suffer OCD as well as depression and GAD. My OCD is the constant checking for symptoms and getting other people to check me. I've never had the eating disorder but struggle to eat on bad days so could see how it might become a problem.
Thanks for the interesting post it will be nice to see other people's opinions :-)

11-12-2013, 03:06 AM
Hello to all, I wonder if anxiety and ocd and eating disorders go hand in hand? Anyone want to share their opinion, please do. Thanks. Alita anxiety is the cause of OCD and eating disorders because it's the anxious mind that takes over people with OCD who have rituals think bad things will happen if they do not do the rituals or they will get an illness or contaminate themselves if they don't wash their hands it's anxiety causing these OCD thoughts and it's the same with eating disorders anxiety cause the thoughts that are not rational thinking behaviours ;)

11-12-2013, 07:49 PM
Hi there,
ocd to check out now......sometimes i wonder if i will ever get better......it is about time to live and enjoy the life! Thanks for the replies, alita

11-13-2013, 03:03 AM
Many disorders go hand it hand. I've always had OCD Since I was a child. Developed an eating disorder: bulimia, as a teenager which off and on followed into my 20s. I suffered extreme trauma from 19-20 which resulted in PTSD, PTSD psychotic flashbacks, depression, anxiety and panic attacks and off and on gad, which is odd because I'm a very outgoing social person.
I've noticed anxiety, depression and OCD are commonly issues for people as multiple issues

I've beaten depression years ago and most PTSD flashbacks. My OCD And intrusive thoughts I've had since a kid and goes up and down in intensify--/ when my anxiety is up often my OCDs are too.

So yes they can go hand in hand. Eating disorders, OCD and anxiety all share obsessive thoughts and compulsions too.

There are many meds out there that are supposed to treat all of those issues -- in one medication so that kinda tells you there that all issue can be tied together or stem from the same or similar psychological causes.

11-13-2013, 09:32 AM
Hi there,
Thanks for the reply. I feel sad for all that u have for health concerns; hope u r getting some kind of treatment to get better. The good news is that I have started therapy again. Take care and talk again. For OCD, I have tried to breathe everytime I do something; so far it helps. Perfectionism is part of it for me. What r ur thoughts? Alita