View Full Version : Sternum Pain

11-11-2013, 12:56 PM
So off and on I've been having chest pressure for months
And recently sternum pain when I take a deep breath.
I've been working out for 4 years now and today as I was doing squats my sternum started to hurt.
I've had numerous studies done; echo, stress test, 24 holter, 10 Ekgs, Blood work and everything has came back fine. Later got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
My question is does myheart sound ok or does it still sound like an underlying disease?

11-11-2013, 06:22 PM
I think your fine and it's just anxiety. Describe your chest pressure

11-11-2013, 06:24 PM
I think your fine and it's just anxiety. Describe your chest pressure

pressure. and some times I'm aware of my heart beat , i feel it

11-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Does it feel like a elephant is sitting on your chest? And how long does it really last?

11-11-2013, 06:59 PM
Does it feel like a elephant is sitting on your chest? And how long does it really last?

Sometimes several hours/all day

Chris C
11-11-2013, 07:44 PM
Based on all the testing you've had done it sounds like physically you're fine. Anxiety can present all kinds of physical symptoms. Do you find yourself breathing from your upper chest a lot? As opposed to breathing from your lower abdomen or diaphragm? When anxious we tend to take shallow breaths using our chest muscles and this can cause chest pain.

11-11-2013, 08:03 PM
Yes Sometimes several hours/all day I'm also dealing with that to!! It's so ugly and feels so scary

11-12-2013, 12:35 AM
So off and on I've been having chest pressure for months
And recently sternum pain when I take a deep breath.
I've been working out for 4 years now and today as I was doing squats my sternum started to hurt.
I've had numerous studies done; echo, stress test, 24 holter, 10 Ekgs, Blood work and everything has came back fine. Later got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
My question is does myheart sound ok or does it still sound like an underlying disease?

Sounds like a lot of us here. Many people here have had tons of EKG's, blood work, stress tests that all came back negative. Years ago I went through all that. The ER doctor got tired of me, so he referred me to a cardiologist who did the stress test, and a 24 hour Holter. Everything came back fine.

How old are you? If you were born in 1990 (judging from your screen name), then you are early 20's. It is highly doubtful you have any heart conditions at that age and considering you work out a lot. I would trust the doctors on this one.

However, there could be something else causing the pain (maybe gall bladder or something like that). But if it is something like that, it is not life threatening so I wouldn't worry too much. The best thing to do is just go to your family doctor and tell him what tests you have had done and then ask him if there is anything else besides the heart that could be causing the pain. Since you work out, it could be something you have pulled in your torso or it could be GAD like the doctors say.

The problem with anxiety is a lot of us turn into hypochrondriacs. I know I have been through that myself. At some point you have to trust the doctors, take any meds you have for anxiety, and live life.

11-12-2013, 11:49 AM
That's so true . Only reason I think I have heart problem did because I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and I went years with out them bring treated. But I don't work out that much as I should, I woke up with morning with it even tho that is the 1st on my mind so of course I would feel it. I want to get a echo test and stress test. But when I do go work out I feel normal I don't feel like I'm going to pass out or anything, I didn't know chest pressure last a month I've had 6 EKG 2 chest x ray and blood work done. Don't you think in the last toe years they would see something by now or should they do further test?

11-12-2013, 11:58 AM
I've also had chest pains in the past. I found that subconsciously I was tightening my chest muscles adding to the pain and anxiety. Try to relax every muscle in your body and breathe!

11-12-2013, 12:24 PM
Sounds like a lot of us here. Many people here have had tons of EKG's, blood work, stress tests that all came back negative. Years ago I went through all that. The ER doctor got tired of me, so he referred me to a cardiologist who did the stress test, and a 24 hour Holter. Everything came back fine.

How old are you? If you were born in 1990 (judging from your screen name), then you are early 20's. It is highly doubtful you have any heart conditions at that age and considering you work out a lot. I would trust the doctors on this one.

However, there could be something else causing the pain (maybe gall bladder or something like that). But if it is something like that, it is not life threatening so I wouldn't worry too much. The best thing to do is just go to your family doctor and tell him what tests you have had done and then ask him if there is anything else besides the heart that could be causing the pain. Since you work out, it could be something you have pulled in your torso or it could be GAD like the doctors say.

The problem with anxiety is a lot of us turn into hypochrondriacs. I know I have been through that myself. At some point you have to trust the doctors, take any meds you have for anxiety, and live life.

Thanks for the reply. Really helpful (:
And yes I've gone to my GP but he always tells me it's anxiety.
I don't have any family history, I'm not over weight, low body fat
Always eat healthy.
But this is just tormenting
And I'm 23
So hopefully this is just anxiety
And I really did turn into a hypochondriac
I've thought I had cancer, ALS & now my newest addition heart disease /: