View Full Version : Would like to talk about my anxiety

11-04-2013, 01:09 PM

I have very bad anxiety and really would like to talk and find ways to help overcome it.

I usually have intrusive thoughts that something bad will happen like plane crash, terrorism etc

I do not buy daily papers or watch the news much as I found it makes it worse.

I find that I am now reluctant to do anything for fear and when I do I have to at least try and plan to get some control. My most recent concern is regarding safety of lights in swimming pools and whether they pose an electrocution risk, and now am anxious whilst in the pool.

I would like to go on holiday, my favourite place in the world is New York but I am so anxious about going there again. My mum has suggested that we go away together there but I am anxious. Moreso now because my brother cannot make it and because my mum has said in the past she doesn't want to go away without him I am now doubting whether we should go what if something happened to us both?. She would really like to go. He is a teenager and at uni living his life which is what I should be doing!

I just don't know how to get over this. I spend a lot of time on my own and I think that's part of the problem - as the thoughts creep in.

I just feel I haven't lived my life to the full so far because of worry and would really like to, but am worried what will happen if I do

Any help really appreciated.
Thanks for reading

11-04-2013, 03:35 PM
I have a severe phobia of flying and being in places with large crowds. My best advice would be to JUST DO IT! The likelihood of anything bad happening is VERY slim. Our minds magnify things when we have anxiety because we put so much focus on it. Anxiety is a disease and the only way to overcome it is to face it head on. Go out and do what scares you most. After it's over and nothing tragic has happened, you will have such relief. Do not let this run your life. Go out and live. We don't get a second chance. Hope you decide to make that trip to NYC!

11-04-2013, 06:01 PM

I have very bad anxiety and really would like to talk and find ways to help overcome it.

I usually have intrusive thoughts that something bad will happen like plane crash, terrorism etc

I do not buy daily papers or watch the news much as I found it makes it worse.

I find that I am now reluctant to do anything for fear and when I do I have to at least try and plan to get some control. My most recent concern is regarding safety of lights in swimming pools and whether they pose an electrocution risk, and now am anxious whilst in the pool.

I would like to go on holiday, my favourite place in the world is New York but I am so anxious about going there again. My mum has suggested that we go away together there but I am anxious. Moreso now because my brother cannot make it and because my mum has said in the past she doesn't want to go away without him I am now doubting whether we should go what if something happened to us both?. She would really like to go. He is a teenager and at uni living his life which is what I should be doing!

I just don't know how to get over this. I spend a lot of time on my own and I think that's part of the problem - as the thoughts creep in.

I just feel I haven't lived my life to the full so far because of worry and would really like to, but am worried what will happen if I do

Any help really appreciated.
Thanks for reading

Ny is one of the best places ever! You should definitely go ahead with your trip! I too am a nervous traveler but I always have a great time once I'm there.

11-04-2013, 06:02 PM
Hey there,

I have the exact same thing as you - thinking about bad things that could happen, obsessive worrying. I too no longer watch the news or read a paper! I think with some people the realisation that bad things can happen without our having any control is terrifying.

Ultimately it's up to you. Could something bad happen because of this trip? Well, possibly. But that's the same with anything you choose to do in life - you could get hit by a bus going to work, but does that mean we should all give up work? Hell, we could have an accident inside our own house. The alternative is to never do anything, ever. Fear is terrible, but it's usually not real. Regret, however, can last a lifetime. Don't regret not having lived your life.

11-05-2013, 12:40 PM
I have a severe phobia of flying and being in places with large crowds. My best advice would be to JUST DO IT! The likelihood of anything bad happening is VERY slim. Our minds magnify things when we have anxiety because we put so much focus on it. Anxiety is a disease and the only way to overcome it is to face it head on. Go out and do what scares you most. After it's over and nothing tragic has happened, you will have such relief. Do not let this run your life. Go out and live. We don't get a second chance. Hope you decide to make that trip to NYC!

Thank you for your kind words. I so want to. I have been before and love it there - helps me relax too and I have been very stressed recently with work. Its so true we don't get a second chance. I have requested leave from work but haven't booked yet, really wanted to discuss with my brother first (who will probably not care and say yeah just go)

Ny is one of the best places ever! You should definitely go ahead with your trip! I too am a nervous traveler but I always have a great time once I'm there.
Thank you for your kind words. It so is, I love it there. I find myself worrying about crowds and security risks in public. I need to try not to

Hey there,

I have the exact same thing as you - thinking about bad things that could happen, obsessive worrying. I too no longer watch the news or read a paper! I think with some people the realisation that bad things can happen without our having any control is terrifying.

Ultimately it's up to you. Could something bad happen because of this trip? Well, possibly. But that's the same with anything you choose to do in life - you could get hit by a bus going to work, but does that mean we should all give up work? Hell, we could have an accident inside our own house. The alternative is to never do anything, ever. Fear is terrible, but it's usually not real. Regret, however, can last a lifetime. Don't regret not having lived your life.

Thank you for your kind words. Brought a tear to my eye. I definitley do not want to regret not having lived, but on the other hand its so hard and actually easier not to do much as I think that makes me feel better in my head.

I think I will also get some counselling, I don't talk about my anxiety so you have been so helpful I feel a little lighter being able to talk about it.

11-05-2013, 04:22 PM

I am no shrink, but it sounds like you have problems with various phobias (and obsessive thoughts, which might be a sign of OCD).. From all indications, it appears the best way to fight them is to force yourself to do the things you fear. It also is a good idea to seek professional help and tell everything to a psych doctor. They will be able to tell you more and correctly diagnose you.

But don't worry, a lot of people out there fight these same issues, but you just don't realize it. Most people probably don't realize you have these issues either.

11-06-2013, 01:36 AM
Just face your fears and use this mind set "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

11-06-2013, 02:22 PM

I live in New York City, so if you have any questions that may help to alleviate your anxiety, I'll be happy to answer them. What places do you like to visit?

11-07-2013, 12:05 PM
Just face your fears and use this mind set "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

Thanks I need to be stronger. I am trying


I live in New York City, so if you have any questions that may help to alleviate your anxiety, I'll be happy to answer them. What places do you like to visit?

Hi - Thanks - I love walking and taking in the atmosphere - union square, greenwich village and soho. I am not much of a 5th Avenue shopper but love it all the same. To be honest I would be happy sitting in a coffee shop for an hour watching the world go by.

Aiming to go for Thanksgiving weekend, so a very busy time. I am a bit anxious about the crowds and potential risks associated with crowds for example on Black Friday, but I will try and put that out of my mind.

I have requested annual leave and am actively looking for something to book, so am getting there. I get excited and then the doubts creep in which makes me want to change my mind.

11-07-2013, 12:34 PM
Please just go for it :) life is too short to miss out on the things you want to do, so if you want to go to New York, do it! See the city, enjoy the people and have fun!

11-07-2013, 03:38 PM
Thanksgiving is a busy time. The parade is fun to watch, but it will be crowded. Avoid stores, if this makes you nervous. One really fun thing to do, if you haven't done it yet, is to take the Staten Island Ferry at night. It's free. You have to disembark, but you can get right back on. It's about a 10 minute trip. Maybe walk through Central Park. Hmm. I love museums; so that's what I'd suggest.

11-12-2013, 01:14 PM
Please just go for it :) life is too short to miss out on the things you want to do, so if you want to go to New York, do it! See the city, enjoy the people and have fun! But I do understand just how you feel!

This week I've decided I have got to push myself out and do things - I may only be going to a friends house, but I will be going out of my house in the evening. I am making myself make plans & making myself stick to them - even if I feel like hiding, I have to rebuild my confidence.

It's been months, I had a severe panic attack on an evening out (that I had spent the whole day worrying about before hand and almost cancelled), suddenly felt intensely claustrophobic and actually did leg it - I can't remember getting home, which frightened me so much that I put myself in counselling the next day! Anxiety had been building & building & was just a ticking time bomb, only needed a few small things to set it off :( .

It's been very very helpful to be able to talk to someone about it all - Ive got a lot of issues that I've just buried over my life, now I'm starting to realise what they are. I've got a long way to go, but I'm on the road to mending :)

Hi thanks for your kind words. How was your evening out? I hope you had a nice time.

Yes thanks the plan is that I will get some help when I return I do and have bottled up a lot over the past few years well from childhood really. So its time I take some control and try and help myself and I think talking will be the first step.

Thanksgiving is a busy time. The parade is fun to watch, but it will be crowded. Avoid stores, if this makes you nervous. One really fun thing to do, if you haven't done it yet, is to take the Staten Island Ferry at night. It's free. You have to disembark, but you can get right back on. It's about a 10 minute trip. Maybe walk through Central Park. Hmm. I love museums; so that's what I'd suggest.

Thanks - I will not watch the parade, but I love shopping - once I am in the situation I am generally ok. Sometimes Times Square crowds make me nervous but I have managed. For me its the build up to a trip, car journey, train journeys etc and because I spend a lot of time on my own thats when I start to think about things and it gets out of hand. I changed jobs for a little while and needed to travel on trains more which helped with my anxieties there, but I have slipped back into old habits. I need to be more care free but I am very organised and like being in control.

Thanks will do the Staten Island Ferry at night.

I haven't booked holiday yet, but will do today and try keep myself really really busy up until then.

Thanks it has helped talking about it

11-15-2013, 11:42 AM

I have booked it! Talked myself out of it the other evening (did have something to do with price as well) I have been thinking about it a lot over the past few days and after watching Oprah (Who I think is inspirational) I decided to book it today.

I am looking forward to it - but still very anxious in general but I have decided not to watch the news or read online papers until then - I think it will help a bit.

Will try and keep myself very busy until then - I will definitely seek some help when I return as I really do need to try and gain some control - been very anxious and tearful in general in the last few weeks.

I think I will also print out comments on heere and read them if feeling anxious on a daily basis - they have helped - thanks everyone.

11-15-2013, 02:17 PM

I have booked it! Talked myself out of it the other evening (did have something to do with price as well) I have been thinking about it a lot over the past few days and after watching Oprah (Who I think is inspirational) I decided to book it today.

I am looking forward to it - but still very anxious in general but I have decided not to watch the news or read online papers until then - I think it will help a bit.

Will try and keep myself very busy until then - I will definitely seek some help when I return as I really do need to try and gain some control - been very anxious and tearful in general in the last few weeks.

I think I will also print out comments on heere and read them if feeling anxious on a daily basis - they have helped - thanks everyone.

If you aren't in some type of therapy you need to. This is something that can be overcome, but it is a daily thing. The important thing to remember is that you aren't alone and that there are millions of people who experience many of the same feelings, symptoms and thoughts.

Therapy has really been a God-send for me, in addition to medication - but you have to find what works for you. You have a lot of support!