View Full Version : Success and wanted to ask the forum a favor please read :)

11-03-2013, 12:38 PM
I first want to thank everyone on the forums. I can say i'm about 99% cured. Was terrible to start with, couldnt walk to my own kitchen without panicking. Started Zoloft/Proprolol back in August. I can finally drive long distances, shop, and have fun, no panic attacks since September!

I also find doing online contests keep me busy and less stressed.

My little boy and I are doing a Mountain Dew / Doritos contest.

If anyone on the forums drinks Mountain Dew (12 packs / 24 Packs or bottles) Or eats Doritos. We are collecting to codes.

The Codes are located at :


^ See photo i made for the code locations :)

If you have any extra please please pm them, reply them here or email them to sitedude2k13 at yahoo dot com

Thank you guys so much for everything!