View Full Version : Why do i do it ???

11-03-2013, 10:39 AM
Ell yet again am in the same old place and it's because of alcohol I went out last night had a heavy night and I've woke up feeling terrible.

My heart is racing and my hangover is awful I can't lie down because I have palpitations it's really scaring me. I know I shouldn't drink but I'm 22 and I just want to be normal and live a normal life with my friends. It's a cruel circle and it's not letting up

11-03-2013, 10:47 AM
Also does anyone know how to settle it down a bit or at least improve my day ?

11-03-2013, 10:54 AM
i know exactly how you feel everyone tells me on here not to drink... im 18 ive been at uni for 6 weeks its expected of me to drink 3 days a week at least!
i really dont know what to suggest but i want help too. i cant not drink and ive made enough excuses why i couldnt go out now that i think people think im boring but its not that at all i love getting drunk and partying its like which one do i go for?
the healthy but boring option or the fun yet horrible option

11-03-2013, 01:12 PM
i know exactly how you feel everyone tells me on here not to drink... im 18 ive been at uni for 6 weeks its expected of me to drink 3 days a week at least! i really dont know what to suggest but i want help too. i cant not drink and ive made enough excuses why i couldnt go out now that i think people think im boring but its not that at all i love getting drunk and partying its like which one do i go for? the healthy but boring option or the fun yet horrible option

Exactly but you just wanna fit in and be a normal and have a good young life. I can't deal with hangovers think I'm just going to have to give them a miss till I get my self fully sorted. It's not worth feeling how I have today.

I have been crying and everything today because I can't cope with the hangover and it's not like me. My whole body feels terrible and I just want the feeling to go and to start feeling normal again. Like I said it's not worth feeling like this I can't handle it

11-03-2013, 03:04 PM
Also does anyone know how to settle it down a bit or at least improve my day ? hangovers always increase anxiety I've known people have them with hangovers who have never experienced anxiety in their life :/. It is crap cuz wen u go out if ur used to Avin a drink and a laugh it's hard to be sober nd be on the same level as everyone else. But alcohol is a poison so ur body has to get rid of it and ur causes dehydration which can also cause anxiety also it lowers magnesium and other minerals within our bodies which also cause anxiety. Beer is good while ur on it buzzin nd Avin a laugh but the day after is shit nd u wish u hadn't touched a drink I avent drunk for 6 months nearly cuz I feel abit shitty at the mo nd the thought of feeling worse puts me of. Ur prob best either only having a couple nd av water in between so u can still enjoy ur self ;) or just leaving it for a while till u feel better

11-03-2013, 05:11 PM
I posted about this yesterday. Went out Friday and Sat (yesterday ) was AWFUL! Fidgeting and couldn't sit still. Racing heart and palpitations. Feeling like my heart was beating extra hard. And holy shit dizzy!!!! I'm 29 and know that hangovers do this but had to go out for my sisters birthday. I don't want to have anxiety control me so much I can't go out with people so I do and then suffer the next day. The only thing that helped is I chugged water and seriously had about a hundred pep talks with myself throughout the day. Told myself "you've felt like this before and every other time you are hungover and nothing bad has happened. Today is no different. Everyone feels this way, your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to in order to recover from the alcohol"
Forget about sleeping tho, it's like I couldn't stand to be alone with my thoughts. Slept at my bfs and that helped a little. It is a shitty thing but I think we all go through it. Feel better soon :)

James Valdez
11-03-2013, 06:28 PM
i know how u feel im 17 and i used to drink (yea im fucked up and was raised wrong fuck it) but i quit ...now im not trying to warn u about dangers and shit but not drinking can help with anxiety...it helps numb the pain at first but then it becomes the cause of your anxiety...just try to calm down the palpitations are likely due to dehydration and dehydrationb is caused from alcohol...so drink some water and maybe smoke some weed to calm down

11-04-2013, 02:10 AM
i know how u feel im 17 and i used to drink (yea im fucked up and was raised wrong fuck it) but i quit ...now im not trying to warn u about dangers and shit but not drinking can help with anxiety...it helps numb the pain at first but then it becomes the cause of your anxiety...just try to calm down the palpitations are likely due to dehydration and dehydrationb is caused from alcohol...so drink some water and maybe smoke some weed to calm down

Coming from an ex chronic weed will defo calm you down but believe me long term it makes it worse please don't see this as a way out of anxiety like I did for so long

11-04-2013, 02:36 AM
Alcohol is not good for anxiety. You can be "young and normal", feeling like shit, or you can be young and even more normal by getting your anxiety under control. Your choice, but it seems like a no-brainer to me. Don't mean to be blunt, but from personal experience, that's just the reality. I gave up drinking years ago, and I don't miss it one bit. Other than occasional bouts with anxiety, my life is pretty normal but not terribly boring. It's all about perspective and frankly, if you don't help yourself and keep trying to fit in with the crowd and what you perceive as "normal" behavior, your anxiety's not going anywhere. It'll be right there until you decide you'll kick it to the curb regardless of what it takes. That's the plain truth, harsh or not. Hope you feel better soon.

11-04-2013, 02:49 AM
Alcohol is not good for anxiety. You can be "young and normal", feeling like shit, or you can be young and even more normal by getting your anxiety under control. Your choice, but it seems like a no-brainer to me. Don't mean to be blunt, but from personal experience, that's just the reality. I gave up drinking years ago, and I don't miss it one bit. Other than occasional bouts with anxiety, my life is pretty normal but not terribly boring. It's all about perspective and frankly, if you don't help yourself and keep trying to fit in with the crowd and what you perceive as "normal" behavior, your anxiety's not going anywhere. It'll be right there until you decide you'll kick it to the curb regardless of what it takes. That's the plain truth, harsh or not. Hope you feel better soon.

Yes I agree but how to tell people oh by the way I don't go out anymore? I need a valid exuse