View Full Version : Are these anxiety symptoms ? My life is hell !

11-03-2013, 07:39 AM
Dear all,

I am new to here but have been suffering from anxiety for four years.

I had all the usual symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, having the runs, feeling lightheaded and racing thoughts.

However I was over prescribed Diazepam 15mg last year, and took it for 9 months altogether including tapering. I have been off it for three months.

Since then I have not had any of my previous anxiety symptoms, but things have got alot worse. I was messaging to see whether anyone else has or had the same problems. I really feel like I don't want to be here, because it is torture.

Below is a list of the way I feel, and it's unbearable. My visual problems could still be caused from the Diazepam withdrawal or from my anxiety.

-Visual Problems
*Vision is never clear
*blurry vision
*grainy at night and on bright walls
*blinds buzz & move a little
*light afterimage


*emotionally numb
*I never know what the time is
*can't look forward to anything
*things seem louder

Any replies would be greatly appreciated.



11-03-2013, 09:15 AM
Dear all, I am new to here but have been suffering from anxiety for four years. I had all the usual symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, having the runs, feeling lightheaded and racing thoughts. However I was over prescribed Diazepam 15mg last year, and took it for 9 months altogether including tapering. I have been off it for three months. Since then I have not had any of my previous anxiety symptoms, but things have got alot worse. I was messaging to see whether anyone else has or had the same problems. I really feel like I don't want to be here, because it is torture. Below is a list of the way I feel, and it's unbearable. My visual problems could still be caused from the Diazepam withdrawal or from my anxiety. -Visual Problems *Vision is never clear *blurry vision *grainy at night and on bright walls *floaters *blinds buzz & move a little *light afterimage Also *emotionally numb *I never know what the time is *can't look forward to anything *tinnitus *things seem louder Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you Paul

Sounds like depression and anxiety to me when mine first started these symptoms where really intense I had all these you mentioned and more. All I can say is they have got better for me as iv learned to deal and live with my depression and anxiety