View Full Version : shaking

01-06-2008, 03:06 AM
.i have a weird question for you, ive been having muscle twitching/jerking for a while now and i accepted these symptoms are anxiety...but for a little while now ive been getting tremors, and one day i noticed that if i place my hand flat on a desk and raise my index finger up, it shakes really bad, sometimes it willl jerk around really strangely, i keep checking all the time to see if its still doing it...and then i read on here that micheal j fox had this and it was parkinsons....im trying not to google it!
anyone else had this?
also if im holding things sometimes they shake as well

01-06-2008, 05:52 AM
That's only 1-2 symptoms of Parkinson's, out of many. I've had some pretty bad shaking before. I remember one time in Biology, i had to empty a syringe into a glass in front of everyone and almost knocked the glass over, i was shaking so terribly. It was quite embarrassing. I've had some terrible tremors too, that take place normally when i'm riding in a car. I usually have to get out and try to "shake them off". Just another common anxiety symptom.

01-06-2008, 09:44 PM
This is also one of my most "irratating" anxiety symptoms. I can deal with it, but it gets really embarassing when people see it, and comment. It just makes you feel that something worse is wrong with you, thus creating more anxiety.
I first noticed this when I offered to bartend at a company function. My hands were constantly shaking to the point where I was spilling drinks all over the place.
To this day, I refuse to do shots at a bar due to the fact that I cannot hold the shotglass steady.
Yes, very annoying yet very common symptom.