View Full Version : A big thank you and an apology

11-01-2013, 11:46 AM
Hi everyone. I've been EXTREMELY up and down in the last 2 weeks. I've been trying so hard to be like everyone else, to mould in, to throw away my childhood leanings that have made me who I am today. I so desperately want to fit in and be accepted. I am not really an emotional guy, but I have been alternating between bouts of anger and crying. I feel so ashamed, so weak and soft.

But I did want to say a HUGE thank for those of you that offered me kind words of support and encouragement in my debut post. In fact, I was overwhelmed by the support and respect shown to me that I couldn't actually believe it or handle it. When I saw especially a couple of teenage girls reply to me, initially I was mortified!! I was expecting the absolute worst. I expected sniggers, laughter and ridicule. I was so overwhelmed by the support of everyone that I kind of convinced myself it wasn't real. People were just being polite. I have to say a BIG sorry, but this is why I rebuffed later everyone's words and tried to go all "straight" and conservative. I am very sorry for those of you that replied to me only to see me later do a U turn, but I was having a really hard time even believing the replies. Especially when I considered some of the people that did respond. As I say, the most surprising support was from teenage girls, but also I was taken aback by even other dudes supporting me.

I have been all over the place trying to be someone else, being ashamed of who I am. You know, when I think of my 2nd thread in which I stated that it's best for people to be conservative and fit in to society, I'm not debunking that. I can honestly say that it's the easiest way to be. But I can't also deny that it's just not for everyone. In most ways, I am an average Joe. But, as I said in my debut thread, in one way I am so not average and not the norm for a guy.

I had a really nervous, embarrassing, pleasant experience today-all rolled into one. I was out and about doing some shopping and ventured in for a bit of a look around in a Myers dept store. I had a look at some watches and then I just couldn't help myself, I wandered kind of around the hosiery section. I just had to have a bit of a brief look. There was a couple of discount stands and just for a few secs, I was looking at the hosiery within them. A really nice young lady walked up to me and asked me, "Can I help you". Oh gosh, I was bloody mortified, I kind of froze and clumsily uttered, "No, just having a boys look".

A boys look? Oh bloody hell!!!! Such an idiotic expression, completely unrelated to the situation. A boys look is when us guys are trying to look for something and just have a quick, casual look and quickly give up. I felt so f&^% stupid, I could have died. I just uttered the first nonsense that come into my head. I might as well have said, "Yes, I'll have a large happy meal with a Coke thanks". The nice young lady sensed I was embarrassed and said that there was nothing for me to be embarrassed about and asked was I interested in something? I said nervously that I just noticed this hosiery stand and apologised. Why I don't know. I might as well have apologised for global warming, but again I was nervous.

The lady kind of took the situation out from me and said, "what sort of hosiery would you like?" I was gob smacked!!!! I finally relented and she helped me get a heap of things. It was awesome and it was so nice for someone to accept me in the flesh.

Thank you all for your support. I don't think I would have even dared walk near that section of Myers if it wasn't for your encouragement.

11-01-2013, 12:02 PM
that post makes me feel really good.
there IS hope!
dont give up man. be who you wanna be and maybe you will people who will want you to be who you want to be too.

a bunch of little steps turn into a journey

11-01-2013, 12:29 PM
Hi everyone. I've been EXTREMELY up and down in the last 2 weeks. I've been trying so hard to be like everyone else, to mould in, to throw away my childhood leanings that have made me who I am today. I so desperately want to fit in and be accepted. I am not really an emotional guy, but I have been alternating between bouts of anger and crying. I feel so ashamed, so weak and soft.

But I did want to say a HUGE thank for those of you that offered me kind words of support and encouragement in my debut post. In fact, I was overwhelmed by the support and respect shown to me that I couldn't actually believe it or handle it. When I saw especially a couple of teenage girls reply to me, initially I was mortified!! I was expecting the absolute worst. I expected sniggers, laughter and ridicule. I was so overwhelmed by the support of everyone that I kind of convinced myself it wasn't real. People were just being polite. I have to say a BIG sorry, but this is why I rebuffed later everyone's words and tried to go all "straight" and conservative. I am very sorry for those of you that replied to me only to see me later do a U turn, but I was having a really hard time even believing the replies. Especially when I considered some of the people that did respond. As I say, the most surprising support was from teenage girls, but also I was taken aback by even other dudes supporting me.

I have been all over the place trying to be someone else, being ashamed of who I am. You know, when I think of my 2nd thread in which I stated that it's best for people to be conservative and fit in to society, I'm not debunking that. I can honestly say that it's the easiest way to be. But I can't also deny that it's just not for everyone. In most ways, I am an average Joe. But, as I said in my debut thread, in one way I am so not average and not the norm for a guy.

I had a really nervous, embarrassing, pleasant experience today-all rolled into one. I was out and about doing some shopping and ventured in for a bit of a look around in a Myers dept store. I had a look at some watches and then I just couldn't help myself, I wandered kind of around the hosiery section. I just had to have a bit of a brief look. There was a couple of discount stands and just for a few secs, I was looking at the hosiery within them. A really nice young lady walked up to me and asked me, "Can I help you". Oh gosh, I was bloody mortified, I kind of froze and clumsily uttered, "No, just having a boys look".

A boys look? Oh bloody hell!!!! n Such an idiotic expression, completely unrelated to the situation. A boys look is when you're us dudes are trying to look for something and just have a quick, casual look and quickly give up. I felt so f&^% stupid, I could have died. I just uttered the first nonsense that come into my head. I might have well have said, "Yes, I'll have a large happy meal with a Coke thanks". The nice young lady sensed I was embarrassed and said that there was nothing for me to be embarrassed about and asked was I interested in something? I said nervously that I just noticed this hosiery stand and apologised. Why I don't know. I might as well have apologised for global warming, but again I was nervous.

The lady kind of took the situation out from me and said, "what sort of hosiery would you like?" I was gob smacked!!!! I finally relented and she helped me get a heap of things. It was awesome and it was so nice for someone to accept me in the flesh.

Thank you all for your support. I don't think I would have even dared walk near that section of Myers if it wasn't for your encouragement.

Wow! I'm so happy for you!!!! See, don't you feel a weight lift from you? I'm having such a bad day and this brightened it. I'm truly happy for you!

11-01-2013, 12:39 PM
This is a great post! Thanks for sharing, and I'm so glad you had this experience!!

11-01-2013, 01:06 PM
That's really great that you had this experience--even if it was horrifyingly embarrassing for you at first, in the end it sounded quite positive and uplifting. It really made me smile knowing there was someone kind and understanding to you.. :)

And I've never heard of the expression, "A boys look" before...so thanks for explaining that one, lol..I learned something new today.

11-01-2013, 04:35 PM
Wow! I'm so happy for you!!!! See, don't you feel a weight lift from you? I'm having such a bad day and this brightened it. I'm truly happy for you!

I'm glad my post brightened your day. And yes, it was truly like a large weight lifting from me. That's a good way of describing it.