View Full Version : I hate this

10-30-2013, 09:03 PM
I'm currently on 3 mg of klonopin a day and 100mg of Zoloft on a day. I've had this strange sensation for almost a year now. it started around the time of my anxiety. I think it's called derealization or brain fog. but anyway, it just makes me feel so out of it and I heard that this symptom is supposed to go away pretty quickly. but mine has been here for a YEAR. is there something wrong with me or did I just get false information about how long this is supposed to last? please help:( I don't want this forever...

10-30-2013, 09:17 PM
I've just recently developed this, and it is one of the most frightening symptoms of anxiety of all. You feel as though you are in a completely different world. When I get it, the sounds around me amplify. I feel as though there is a foggy fuzzy feeling in my brain. I take 100mg Zoloft and 1mg Klonopin a day, but I don't find that works either. I am going to try CBT next and hope that does the trick. Please know that you are not alone in this feeling and as scary as it is, it will eventually pass one day. This is only temporary. Our bodies will regulate themselves in time through different medicines and activities.

As I'm telling you this, I'm also writing this as a reminder to myself. I find it helps a lot to write it all out. Hope you get to feeling better soon!!

10-31-2013, 01:00 AM
I experience this symptom too...It's awful!

How long is it supposed to last until it passes?

10-31-2013, 05:16 AM
I had that feeling for 6 months straight, what finally fixed me was having a clear head ct. I realized it was not a tumor and somehow the symptom miraculously went away two days later. I think it will fix itself when the anxiety is sorted. I find I still get it here and there when I am having am anxious day, but it is horrifying. I felt like I was drunk for six months, I drove straight past my house one day, I even forgot my birth date. It is bizarre. And very scary.
It will pass when your anxiety is under control :)

10-31-2013, 05:47 PM
I had that feeling for 6 months straight, what finally fixed me was having a clear head ct. I realized it was not a tumor and somehow the symptom miraculously went away two days later. I think it will fix itself when the anxiety is sorted. I find I still get it here and there when I am having am anxious day, but it is horrifying. I felt like I was drunk for six months, I drove straight past my house one day, I even forgot my birth date. It is bizarre. And very scary. It will pass when your anxiety is under control :)so it for sure passes? I don't even feel very anxious anymore and it's still here:(

10-31-2013, 07:06 PM
I think you are referring to depersonalizion ..from my understanding, the more you pay attention to it the longer it stays ... This is true with anxiety as well

10-31-2013, 09:15 PM
[QUOTE="patchezzzz;125927"]so it for sure passes? I don't even feel very anxious anymore and it's still here:([/QUOTE

You need to accept it. It's the hardest part but the first step in beginning to get rid of depersonalization, is accepting it, even welcoming it. Then, steps step, ind what works for you, find what makes you happy and less anxious. Then you can start feeling real again. I, too have had depersonalizations for a year now and I'm still trying to accept it.