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10-30-2013, 05:02 PM
Lying in bed finding it hard to get to sleep as my body's feeling shaky from the inside. feels as if I'm cold but I'm not. why's it only happen at bedtime:/

Chris C
10-30-2013, 06:05 PM
Mine happens all day lately. Sorry it's affecting you at bedtime. Maybe try some guided meditation or relaxation hypnosis.

10-30-2013, 07:53 PM
That happens to me too. I hate it. I usually have to keep switching positions until I find the one that I don't notice it any longer.

10-30-2013, 08:34 PM
I'm a nighttime worrier as well. My mom calls it "sunset anxiety". As soon as it's time for everyone to start getting ready for bed, my symptoms multiply by 100 and I feel the urgent need to go to the ER. I tried Xanax which didn't work for me. I was sleeping at most 2 hours at a time. Most nights I was getting a combined 3 hours or less of sleep. I think mine is a fear of being alone, or having something happen to me while I am alone and no one to help me. That's why I spend so much of my night time searching the web and chatting on forums such as these. It helps a little. I also recently read on one of these posts about meditation before bed. I downloaded the app "headspace" and it is truly relaxing. I'm also on Klonopin but I do not suggest starting medication if you can help it. The biggest thing to realize is that you are not alone in your feelings. This is a mind game, and we cannot let it beat us. Hope you get some sleep.