View Full Version : Someone help me!

10-30-2013, 04:27 PM
Hi guys,

Super freaked out... I do have a tendency of worrying about my heart. In the past I have had ekgs and they were perfectly fine and also my dr has listened to my heart and says there is no murmur and no irregularities.

BUT off and on all day today I've been getting these pains on the left side sort of mid chest and under my breast going to the left side of my rib cage under arm pit. Sort of sharp spasm type feelings. I'm so worried and don't know if I should go to ER or not. I also have recently quit smoking ( cold turkey 12 days) and am fighting a cold/sinus thing but don't really feel chest congestion.

The other thing weighing on my mind is an acquaintance passed away yesterday due to two massive heart attacks at 30. I am 29. I have an inkling there was drugs involved which I am not into but I'm not positive. This freaks me out like how is someone that young having a heart attack?? Idk if I should go to emerg or wait it out and see. It's not constant and doesn't hurt to take a deep breath. But I'm still quite concerned. Please help me someone !

10-30-2013, 04:32 PM
Hi guys,

Super freaked out... I do have a tendency of worrying about my heart. In the past I have had ekgs and they were perfectly fine and also my dr has listened to my heart and says there is no murmur and no irregularities.

BUT off and on all day today I've been getting these pains on the left side sort of mid chest and under my breast going to the left side of my rib cage under arm pit. Sort of sharp spasm type feelings. I'm so worried and don't know if I should go to ER or not. I also have recently quit smoking ( cold turkey 12 days) and am fighting a cold/sinus thing but don't really feel chest congestion.

The other thing weighing on my mind is an acquaintance passed away yesterday due to two massive heart attacks at 30. I am 29. I have an inkling there was drugs involved which I am not into but I'm not positive. This freaks me out like how is someone that young having a heart attack?? Idk if I should go to emerg or wait it out and see. It's not constant and doesn't hurt to take a deep breath. But I'm still quite concerned. Please help me someone !

try some magnesium or niacin

10-30-2013, 04:49 PM
Firstly, congrats on quitting smoking! Cold turkey sounds rough.

Anways, I understand worrying about the heart..I've had my own worry stories, lol....and it really doesn't help when we hear that somebody died from one at such an early age....that being said, you've already done the best thing you could do..your EKGs are good and your Doctor has assured that you are fine. So now it's up to you to try and handle any sort of chest pains you get...heck, even today I had sharp pains on the left, around where you describe and I just have to ignore them and not let my anxiety get the best of me...it's not easy because my brain is always in doubt--just a worry switch that never wants to shut off, but just try to distract yourself. Music, videos, anything to keep you from focusing on the pain... And you'll be okay..... :)

10-30-2013, 06:13 PM
Rib cage muscle spasm I bet. Alankay

10-30-2013, 07:52 PM
Hi guys, Super freaked out... I do have a tendency of worrying about my heart. In the past I have had ekgs and they were perfectly fine and also my dr has listened to my heart and says there is no murmur and no irregularities. BUT off and on all day today I've been getting these pains on the left side sort of mid chest and under my breast going to the left side of my rib cage under arm pit. Sort of sharp spasm type feelings. I'm so worried and don't know if I should go to ER or not. I also have recently quit smoking ( cold turkey 12 days) and am fighting a cold/sinus thing but don't really feel chest congestion. The other thing weighing on my mind is an acquaintance passed away yesterday due to two massive heart attacks at 30. I am 29. I have an inkling there was drugs involved which I am not into but I'm not positive. This freaks me out like how is someone that young having a heart attack?? Idk if I should go to emerg or wait it out and see. It's not constant and doesn't hurt to take a deep breath. But I'm still quite concerned. Please help me someone !

Have you been coughing? That could cause chest pain. Or indigestion?
Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit cold turkey a year ago and have never felt better, it will really help you!!