View Full Version : citlopram

10-30-2013, 07:04 AM
my doctor just doubled my medication of citlopram and i was wondering what side effects people get from it and also will these side affects be worse now its been doubled

also my doc gave me propranolol can anyone tell me anything about this im abit anxious about even taking new things

10-30-2013, 07:57 AM
Side effects are hard to predict with any ssri but try it. I had it and it was OK I just never slept well on it.
Propranolol will damped the bodies response to adrenaline and help you feel less effects from all the adrenaline so helps in that way. Not much in side effects from that med in general in lower doses. Alankay

06-10-2015, 05:20 PM
Side effects are hard to predict with any ssri but try it. I had it and it was OK I just never slept well on it.
Propranolol will damped the bodies response to adrenaline and help you feel less effects from all the adrenaline so helps in that way. Not much in side effects from that med in general in lower doses. Alankay

Hello, I was wondering if you started any meds and what ones? I am new to this, I have suffered from anxiety for a couple years now not knowing what the hell was wrong with me, but after my dad committed suicide in November 2012 I figured what it was and it has gone from on occasion, to what feels like everyday. :( I have an appt with mental health June 23, but my family doctor wrote a letter for me prescribing me to citlopram(spelling).
Thank you and I hope you are doing well.

06-10-2015, 06:28 PM
Hello, I was wondering if you started any meds and what ones? I am new to this, I have suffered from anxiety for a couple years now not knowing what the hell was wrong with me, but after my dad committed suicide in November 2012 I figured what it was and it has gone from on occasion, to what feels like everyday. :( I have an appt with mental health June 23, but my family doctor wrote a letter for me prescribing me to citlopram(spelling).
Thank you and I hope you are doing well.

AlanKay hasn't been around for a while. It would be cool if he came back though.

Sorry to hear about your dad's suicide. That sounds horrible.