10-30-2013, 05:47 AM
Hi there
For the past maybe 6 or so weeks I have had bad ibs symptoms. Everything seemed to kick off after coming off the contraceptive pill, especially my anxiety and over time I started getting reflux type symptoms. I went to the doctor and I mentioned that I was getting burning sensations in my throat, mouth and tongue and a cough every now and then and he prescribed Omeprazole. I'm not entirely convinced it is reflux so I am too scared to take the medication in case it makes my bowel symptoms worse and sends me in a panic again. Anyway, here are my symptoms;
.burning sensations in throat, mouth and tongue, sometimes I go numb between my nose and mouth
.belching/burping and a slight cough every now and then
.sometimes I get an ulcer and hiccups after eating an apple?? This has happened since I can remember so I try to avoid them
Just recently I've been getting a rash on my chest and face, like a hyves type rash, I'm convinced I might have a food allergy but doc says there's not really anything you can do (I think he thinks all my symptoms are just anxiety, whereas my anxiety is being brought on by my symptoms).
I don't get chest pain and this doesn't happen after eating. It tends to start in the evening but not when lying down and it gets worse the more I think about it.
The doctor has taken a FBT which came back normal and has palpitated my stomach but thinks it is ibs and reflux. But when I google reflux symptoms, it doesn't seem to match up, especially the chest pain (heart burn).
Has anyone else taken this medication? And how did you get on?
For the past maybe 6 or so weeks I have had bad ibs symptoms. Everything seemed to kick off after coming off the contraceptive pill, especially my anxiety and over time I started getting reflux type symptoms. I went to the doctor and I mentioned that I was getting burning sensations in my throat, mouth and tongue and a cough every now and then and he prescribed Omeprazole. I'm not entirely convinced it is reflux so I am too scared to take the medication in case it makes my bowel symptoms worse and sends me in a panic again. Anyway, here are my symptoms;
.burning sensations in throat, mouth and tongue, sometimes I go numb between my nose and mouth
.belching/burping and a slight cough every now and then
.sometimes I get an ulcer and hiccups after eating an apple?? This has happened since I can remember so I try to avoid them
Just recently I've been getting a rash on my chest and face, like a hyves type rash, I'm convinced I might have a food allergy but doc says there's not really anything you can do (I think he thinks all my symptoms are just anxiety, whereas my anxiety is being brought on by my symptoms).
I don't get chest pain and this doesn't happen after eating. It tends to start in the evening but not when lying down and it gets worse the more I think about it.
The doctor has taken a FBT which came back normal and has palpitated my stomach but thinks it is ibs and reflux. But when I google reflux symptoms, it doesn't seem to match up, especially the chest pain (heart burn).
Has anyone else taken this medication? And how did you get on?