View Full Version : Help! Please!

10-29-2013, 10:10 PM
K so I know this might sound silly but I'm honestly freaking out right now I was browsing the internet and I saw a picture of the hooded figures that have been at soccer games the past week and I google it because I was curious, now I'm freaking out I know everyone says it's a viral campaign and I think that makes perfectly good sense, but after the hashtag "winner takes the earth" I google it to see if it's on the news or anything and it says now that aliens want to play soccer against us and if we lose they destroy the earth, I know it sounds absolutely crazy but my anxiety is through the roof I'm terrified it could be real. I got the same way about the 2012 thing. So someone if you have any more information on it please help me I can't take this anxiety much more.

10-29-2013, 10:23 PM
I saw one on tv at the spurs game on Sunday. Looked really weird.

We wouldn't lose anyway, so its fine ;)