View Full Version : Feeling weird

10-29-2013, 06:52 PM
Hi everyone.
Since the onset of my severe anxiety (2 weeks and counting...) I've had such a weird sensation in my head. I guess I can explain it as a fuzzy/pressure/tingly feeling in my head. Has anyone else experienced this? This only causes me to go further into a panic.

10-29-2013, 06:53 PM
And I feel like I can't focus on anything. Just feels like my brain is fuzzy...😣

10-29-2013, 08:08 PM
Yes I get this also. :) it's because anxiety tenses muscles without you even realising it. After severe anxiety for a long period of time like 2 weeks you will start to feel these symptoms.

Basically it's your bodies way of trying to tell you it's struggling with the anxiety. Try to have some sympathy for your body rather than fighting it. Everytime you feel anxious remind yourself that your body needs a break and you aren't going to let the anxiety take over anymore. This is the new mindset I took and my head pressure went away within a few days.

The other thing you can try is sitting in a dark room and gently massaging the temples, this helps to reduce muscle tension.

I hope this helps. :)

10-30-2013, 01:15 AM
I get this too - all day long. It makes me feel off balance or as if a magnet is pulling me to one side. I can't concentrate on anything

11-03-2013, 09:47 PM
I get this too! And it twitches