View Full Version : Playing the waiting game...

01-02-2008, 02:44 PM
Hi all,

I recently (this week) went to the dermatologist to get a few moles removed, and i have to wait TWO WEEKS until the results come back. Being the severe cyberchondriac that I am, I've already diagnosed myself with stage iv metastatic melanoma (Google will be the end of me). Anyway, I just wanted to know if anybody had any tips on how i can ride out these next two weeks without having a total breakdown. Anybody ever had to wait for some test results to come back? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Reading others stories and suggestions on this site has helped me with my anxiety IMMENSELY, knowing that others are going through the same thing.

01-02-2008, 03:52 PM
Stop searching for symptoms and diseases. I did the same about my anxiety symptoms before I realised I had anxiety. I convinced myself I had a brain tumor. It's hard to stop I know because it seems almost reassuring to read about these diseases on a certain level, but ultimately it just makes you paranoid.

Have you got any hobbies to distract you? If you feel a bit anxious about nasty illnesses then read a book or watch a movie to try and distract yourself.

01-02-2008, 04:52 PM
Mark Twain said.......I have lived a long life & had many troubles, most of which never happened.........Boy is that the truth. Why it is so hard for some of us to grasp the simple fact that worry is wasted energy,,,,, i'll never know. And i have 2 degrees in psychology and lots of years of trying to figure it out - ha. I have been such a ridiculous worrier in my life. I can so relate. If you want to check out my website, i'm sure i can help. The information is listed on my profile. This too will pass,,,,,, peace & love,,,,,,,jane

01-02-2008, 05:49 PM

funny you should mention that "brain tumor" thing, b/c what actually started this whole thing was me thinking the exact same thing! I thought i had a brain tumor as well (sounds so silly when i say it out loud!) and this therefore led to me going to the doctor, and of course, upon my internet reading, reading that melanoma usually goes to the brain or lungs first, this got me inspecting all of my moles, which led me to the dermatologist and here i am today. I'monly 22, so i know the chances of it being fine are in my favor, but while the internet is what causes me to worry and "diagnose" myself, it's the only thing i find comforting, because i feel like if i look hard enough, i'll find something convincing enough to stop me from worrying. No such luck. The only other thing keeping me sane is that I recently had a lot of blood work done at my physical, and everything was fine, and i've heard (ok, i'm not going to lie- read online) that cancer that is spreading throughout the body causes high white blood cell count. I just keep telling myself that over and over. i just got over that whole "brain tumor" worry, so i just want someone to tell me that i'm ok and don't have some terminal illness.

And Jane99- i like that mark twain quote. and you're right - worrying is such wasted energy, but whenever i get excited thinking about my future (i just graduated from college) or making plans for months from now, i can't help but think "but what if i have cancer and i can't?" i think these two weeks is like the ultimate "test" for my anxiety.