View Full Version : Virtigo????

10-27-2013, 12:09 PM
Hey guys. Does anyone suffer from the above. I have had dizzy spells on and off for a couple of weeks but today has been the worst. I got up this morning And couldn't even walk properly. My balance was all out and it felt like I was being pulled to the left. When I sit down it feels better but soon as I stand and walk I start to spin again. Think ill have to go and get it checked tomorrow. People have said I could have N inner ear infection even though I don't have any pain. Any suggestions on what it could be. Xxx

10-28-2013, 02:32 AM
Yes yes yes I have this constantly. Have had for 18 months. I've been to an ENT hoping it was an inner ear issue but no such luck. Just anxiety.

It's very scary and annoying. I always feel very off balance and dizzy and a weird head rush drunk like feeling.

10-28-2013, 03:44 AM
I had this this morning when I first woke up. Do u get any other symptoms with it?

10-28-2013, 03:52 AM
I get so many symptoms with mine. Can include;

Feeling spaced out
Feeling faint
Swimming head feeling
Feel like I might fall over to one side
Feeling dizzy when I turn my head
Numbness in side if face
Trembling lips and hands

11-10-2013, 05:43 PM
yeah I was actually "diagnosed" with BPPV vertigo last week, but I have my doubts. When I take my mind off it, I don't feel it. When I sit and think and worry about it, I feel it like crazy.