View Full Version : When All Else Fails During A Panic Attack...Know This

10-23-2013, 02:01 PM
A Panic Attack is the worst thing your mind can experience in my opinion. Worse than being in a tragic accident or being attacked by someone, at least in an accident or an attack you have the choice to keep it together if you want, but not with a panic attack, dont you agree.

In my past I have suffered severe panic attacks that gave me feelings that were more terrifying than anything the mind could endure including impending death. For me this was made even more tragic in the fact that I have experienced these while in an extremely remote wilderness area by myself, where calling for help was not an option and getting to civilization was not an option at the time. I then suffered many attacks after in various places and soon became panic stricken if even I left my house.

I suffered a lot and I know first hand what some of you are going through. Well I am still alive today and my story will have to wait for another day, but what would have helped me at the time these were happening to me was this:

-If I could have been able to know to someone had went through what I went through in the same circumstances and that they made it through and got better.

Well my gift to you today is encouragement; I can say that unless you have been through a worse predicament than I have, I can just about relate to everyone. What I want to leave you with today is the very message that I was desperate for at the time.

"I have been through what you are going through not just once but hundreds of times, some when I was close to help, but many when I was not. I have gotten through it and my world has opened back up. Two days ago I stood on a mountain top completely free from anxiety and panic, a week before that I hiked to a remote lake by myself and although I tried to be aware of any anxiety that may have come on, it just wasn't there." This has been going on for a while now and not only do I have my confidence back, but I realized that even though I was sure I was going crazy and my mind would never recover, I am back to the same old me now.

I hope that helps you and allows you to feel relief knowing that if someone else was experiencing what you are experiencing and they were able to pull out of it than there is no reason you can't experience healing and freedom in your life again as well.

Please leave me your comments below.


Chris C
10-23-2013, 06:03 PM
Thank you for sharing. It's always good to hear success stories when sometime it seems like there is no hope.