View Full Version : New to the forum and need help

10-23-2013, 12:48 PM
Heyy all! I'm a 25 year old female and I've been suffering from anxiety for the last 2 years. It seems like it has taken over my life. I can't keep a job and I know I'm better than that. I recently decided on a career change (went to college and got my bachelor's degree and now I'm in beauty school). I finally feel like I found what I'm meant to do however I keep sabotaging myself. I have a lot going on at this time in my life. I'm getting married, my future father in law just passed away last month and I had to quit yet another job. I just need some hope that I can manage this and work to get myself better.

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 01:07 PM
Yes, it can be managed. Are you currently getting any help at all?

10-23-2013, 01:22 PM
Yes, it can be managed. Are you currently getting any help at all?

I am only seeing my primary doctor at this point, who has been the one changing my meds. I did see a therapist for a short time but I couldn't afford to go so I stopped.

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 01:45 PM
I have just started seeing a therapist. This is where I got formally diagnosed with GAD. He will be doing cognitive behavioral therapy. I went for years not knowing how severe it was until stressors forced me into therapy. You can handle it, but you have to really rely on the logical portion of your mind. It is exhausting. Really, I have been once to therapy, but just what I have began to learn about myself priceless. Having a site to vent like this is helpful too. I would check around. There are income based therapists and counselors out there. Meditation helps and so do relaxation techniques. So do you have a formal diagnosis?

10-23-2013, 01:49 PM
I have just started seeing a therapist. This is where I got formally diagnosed with GAD. He will be doing cognitive behavioral therapy. I went for years not knowing how severe it was until stressors forced me into therapy. You can handle it, but you have to really rely on the logical portion of your mind. It is exhausting. Really, I have been once to therapy, but just what I have began to learn about myself priceless. Having a site to vent like this is helpful too. I would check around. There are income based therapists and counselors out there. Meditation helps and so do relaxation techniques. So do you have a formal diagnosis?

Thank you for the advice! I will definitely look into income based therapists. I am not formally diagnosed and I am not sure how I go about doing that. It is so nice to have a site like this because I feel like no one understands and then I get into my own head about how I'm not good enough. I need to find something that relaxes me and I have yet to find it :-P

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 01:58 PM
Oh, it is a perfectionist battle we all fight with anxiety. You are good enough that is a promise. :)

10-23-2013, 06:42 PM
Hi greeneyez, I have anxiety too and see a therapist and dr. If you can find an income based therapist or even free help, I encourage you to do so. Try searching this site to see what's available in your area: www.nami.org - it's the National Alliance on Mental Illness.